
Fees for seed testing, seed certification and associated seed functions: consultation

Consultation on amending fees for seed certification, seed testing & associated seed functions to allow full cost recovery.

Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

This partial BRIA will accompany the 12 week consultation which will be issued on

The 12 February 2020, and indicates the projected fee increase for 2020. The consultation documents will be sent electronically and by post to all interested parties registered with Scottish Government (~100 businesses/individuals). An electronic copy will also be placed on the Scottish Government and SASA websites.

Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

1. Cereal Online Application: Example of Final Generation

Statutory Service/Function Fee- 2018 Fees Cost per tonne ofSeed (assuming 30 tonne lot) Fee- 2020 Fees Cost per tonne ofSeed (assuming 30 tonne lot)
Initial Fees (Online fee as > 90% apply online) £4.05 £0.81 £3.85 £0.74
Crop Inspection Fee £19.71 £3.94 £21.29 £4.24
Seed Lot Fee (Online fee as > 90% apply online) £31.35 £1.05 £31.35 £1.05
Sampling Fee £52.55 £1.75 £56.75 £1.89
Seed Testing – HVS test, 100 Seed STZ (90% of Cereal Seed tested is using 100 Seed STZ) £81.00 £2.70 £87.48 £2.92
Fee Cost per tonne £10.25 £10.84
Labels* £1.00 £1.00
Seals* £1.00 £1.00
Bags* £8.00 £8.00
Total cost of Certification per tonne £20.25 £20.84

* Labels, seals and bags are not part of the consultation process and are only present to demonstrate overall cost

2. Grasses Costings Example: Final Generation (Only Scots Timothy Grown and Certified in Scotland

Statutory Service/Function Fee- 2018 Fees Fee (per tonne, assuming 10 tonne lot) Fee- 2020 Fees Cost per tonne of Seed (assuming 10 tonne lot)
Initial Fees (Other fee as all Timothy applicants use paper entries) £4.46 £3.03 £4.46 £3.03
Crop Inspection Fee £19.71 £1.97 £21.29 £2.13
Seed Lot Fee (Other fee as all Timothy applicants use paper entries) £34.60 £3.46 £36.33 £3.63
Sampling Fee £52.55 £5.26 £56.75 £5.68
Seed Testing £83.00 £8.30 £89.64 £8.96
HVS verification £7.34 £7.93
Fee Cost per tonne £22.02 £23.43
Labels* £3.20 £3.20
Seals* £1.00 £1.00
Bags* £12.00 £12.00
Fee cost per tonne £38.22 £39.63

* Labels, seals and bags are not part of the consultation process and are only present to demonstrate overall cost



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