
Fees for seed testing, seed certification and associated seed functions: consultation

Consultation paper providing the findings of a review into the fees for seed functions, and a proposal to amend fees to ensure full cost recovery.

Annex A: Fees for Matters Relating to the Seed Marketing Regulations - Schedule 1

(1) Matter (2) Current Fee £ (3) Proposed Fee £ (4) Percentage Change
A. Initial fees
(i) Initial fee per hectare or part thereof for crops intended to produce:-
(a) Pre-Basic Seed or Basic Seed -
Online Applications 29.60 28.12 -5.00%
Other Applications 30.13 31.03 3.00%
(b) Certified Seed, Certified Seed of the First Generation, Certified Seed of the Second Generation or Certified Seed of the Third Generation.
Online applications 4.25 4.05 -5.00%
Other applications 4.33 4.46 3.00%
ii) Reduced initial fee per hectare or part thereof for applications referred to in sub-paragraph (i)(a) or (b) which are withdrawn before arrangements have been made for the purposes of an official examination. 2.80 2.88 3.00%
(iii) Late application fee per crop payable in addition to initial fee under sub-paragraph (i)(a) or (b) where application is not made by the date for enabling arrangements to be made for an official examination of a crop grown to produce seed of a species to which any instrument comprising the Seed Marketing Regulations applies 29.52 30.41 3.00%
B. Crop inspection fees
(i) Fee for the official examination of crops intended to produce Pre-Basic Seed, Basic Seed, Certified Seed, Certified Seed of the First Generation, Certified Seed of the Second Generation and Certified Seed of the Third Generation per hectare or part thereof examined. 19.14 19.71 3.00%
(ii) Fee for the official field inspection of a hybrid of swede rape, per hectare or part thereof examined. 57.42 59.14 3.00%
(iii) Fee for the further official examination of crops intended to produce Pre-Basic Seed, Basic Seed, Certified Seed, Certified Seed of the First Generation, Certified Seed of the Second Generation or Certified Seed of the Third Generation, per hectare or part thereof examined, except:- 19.14 19.71 3.00%
(a) Further official examination of crops for wild oats, per hectare or part thereof examined 8.81 9.07 3.00%
(b) Further official examination of crops in respect of isolation distance, per hectare or part thereof examined 3.46 3.56 3.00%
(c) Further official examination of crops which have been lodged, per hectare or part thereof examined 7.79 8.02 3.00%
(iv) Fee for authentication of seed lot sown, (where this has not been carried out at crop inspection), per crop 7.79 8.02 3.00%
(v) Fee for the official examination of crops where there has been an official post control the results of which have been unsatisfactory, per hectare or part thereof examined 19.14 19.71 3.00%
(vi) Fee payable in addition to fee under sub-paragraph (i) to (v) above where arrangements have been made for an official examination to be carried out by a licensed crop inspector and the applicant subsequently requests that the examination be carried out instead by the Scottish Ministers. 29.52 30.41 3.00%
C. Seed lot fee
Fee for the issuing an official certificate or a breeder's confirmation (other than in the circumstances described under paragraph D below) in respect of a seed lot certifying the seed lot to be:-
(i) of a multiplication category online application 85.00 80.75 -5.00%
Other applications 86.53 89.13 3.00%
(ii) of a final generation category - on line applications 33.00 31.35 -5.00%
Other applications 33.59 34.60 3.00%
D. Seed lot re-entry fee
Fee for issuing an official certificate or a breeder's confirmation in respect of a seed lot where, following an application for certification of the seed to be within one particular category, that application has been withdrawn and a new application has been submitted for certification of the seed within another category, as follows:
(i) Pre-Basic Seed, Basic Seed, Certified Seed, Certified Seed of the First Generation 35.63 36.70 3.00%
(ii) Certified Seed of the Second Generation or Certified Seed of the Third Generation 17.76 18.29 3.00%
E. Sampling fees
Fee for sampling or re sampling of a Seed lot for the purposes of an official examination, and for sampling or re-sampling imported Seed intended for further multiplication 51.02 52.55 3.00%
F. Official label fees
Fee per seed lot for the issue and printing of a:-
(i) Tear resistant label for breeder's confirmation seed, Pre-Basic Seed or seed for export 41.23 42.47 3.00%
(ii) Self-adhesive label for breeder's confirmation seed, Pre-Basic Seed or seed for export 28.50 29.36 3.00%
G. OECD Certificate
Fee per certificate for issuing an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD) Certificate 25.45 26.21 3.00%
H. Higher Voluntary Standard ( HVS)
Fee per seed lot for verification that a seed lot meets the applicable Higher Voluntary Standards ( HVS) 7.13 7.34 3.00%


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