
Fees for seed testing, seed certification and associated seed functions: consultation

Consultation paper providing the findings of a review into the fees for seed functions, and a proposal to amend fees to ensure full cost recovery.

Annex E: Examples of Seed Lot Costs

Cereal Paper Application: Example of Final Generation

Statutory Service/Function Fee - 2017 Fees Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tonne lot)
Fee 2018 Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tone lot)
Initial Fee £4.33 £0.87 £4.46 £0.89
Crop Inspection Fee £19.14 £3.83 £19.71 £3.94
Seed Lot Fee £33.59 £1.12 £34.60 £1.15
Sampling Fee £51.02 £1.70 £52.55 £1.75
Seed Testing - HVS test, 100 Seed STZ £75.01 £2.50 £81.01 £2.70
Fee Cost per tonne £10.01 £10.44
Labels* £1.00 £1.00
Seals* £1.00 £1.00
Bags* £8.00 £8.00
Total cost of Certification per tonne £20.01 £20.44

* Labels, seals and bags are not part of the consultation process and are only present to demonstrate overall cost

Cereal Online Application: Example of Final Generation

Statutory Service/Function Fee - 2017 Fees Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tonne lot)
Fee 2018 Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tone lot)
Initial Fee £4.25 £0.85 £4.04 £0.81
Crop Inspection Fee £19.14 £3.83 £19.71 £3.94
Seed Lot Fee £33.00 £1.10 £31.35 £1.05
Sampling Fee £51.02 £1.70 £52.55 £1.75
Seed Testing - HVS test, 100 Seed STZ £75.01 £2.50 £81.01 £2.70
Fee Cost per tonne £9.98 £10.25
Labels* £1.00 £1.00
Seals* £1.00 £1.00
Bags* £8.00 £8.00
Total cost of Certification per tonne £19.98 £20.25

* Labels, seals and bags are not part of the consultation process and are only present to demonstrate overall cost

Grasses Costings Example: Final Generation (Only Scots Timothy Grown and Certified in Scotland (Online Application)

Statutory Service/ Function Fee - 2017 Fees Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tonne lot)
Fee 2018 Fees Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tone lot)
Initial Fee £4.25 £3.19 £4.04 £3.03
Crop Inspection Fee £19.14 £1.91 £19.71 £1.97
Seed Lot Fee £33.00 £3.30 £31.35 £3.14
Sampling Fee £51.02 £5.10 £52.55 £5.26
Seed Testing £76.95 £7.70 £83.12 £8.30
HVS verification £7.13 N/A £7.34 £10.44
Fee cost per tonne £21.20 £21.70
Labels* £3.20 £3.20
Seals* £0.00 £0.00
Bags* £12.00 £12.00
Fee cost per tonne £36.40 £36.90

* Labels, seals and bags are not part of the consultation process and are only present to demonstrate overall cost

Grasses Costings Example: Final Generation (Only Scots Timothy Grown and Certified in Scotland) (Paper Application)

Statutory Service/ Function Fee - 2017 Fees Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tonne lot)
Fee 2018 Fees Cost per tonne of Seed
(assuming 30 tone lot)
Initial Fee £4.33 £3.25 £4.46 £3.34
Crop Inspection Fee £19.14 £1.91 £19.71 £1.97
Seed Lot Fee £33.59 £3.36 £34.60 £3.46
Sampling Fee £51.02 £5.10 £52.55 £5.26
Seed Testing £76.96 £7.70 £83.12 £8.30
HVS verification £7.13 N/A £7.34 £10.44
Fee cost per tonne £21.32 £22.33
Labels* £3.20 £3.20
Seals* £0.00 £0.00
Bags* £12.00 £12.00
Fee cost per tonne £36.52 £37.53

* Labels, seals and bags are not part of the consultation process and are only present to demonstrate overall cost


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