
Fire and smoke alarms in Scottish homes consultation: analysis of responses

Analysis of written responses to a consultation on fire and smoke alarms in Scottish homes.

Appendix 2: BS5839-6 standards

Several responses to the consultation refer to standards of fire alarm systems in British Standard BS5839-6. These are graded A-F for different types of alarm and categories LD1-3 for the level of protection provided. The key points for this consultation are as follows:

Types of Alarm

A system of one or more battery powered smoke alarms is a grade F system (this is represented by the standard currently required in social housing).

A system in which the alarms are interlinked is a grade E system.

A system in which the alarms are interlinked and mains powered (with a battery back-up) is a grade D system. This is the standard required in Scottish building regulations and in private rented housing.

A system which also has a monitoring service is a grade C system. Scottish building regulations require this standard for sheltered housing.

Level of Protection

A category LD3 system is the lowest level of protection. It has alarms installed in circulation spaces (halls, landings).

A category LD2 system has alarms in circulation spaces and also in rooms that present a high fire risk. The current standard for new buildings and private rented housing recognises kitchens and living rooms as high fire risk areas, so houses that meet this standard would by LD2 systems.

A category LD1 system has alarms in all rooms, except toilets and bathrooms, and circulation spaces.


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