
Fireworks in Scotland: consultation

We are seeking your views on the use and regulation of fireworks in Scotland.

Ministerial Foreword

Ash Denham, Minister for Community Safety

Many people in Scotland enjoy attending firework displays in a safe and responsible manner. Many of us will have attended and enjoyed fireworks at celebratory events – from locally organised displays in and around bonfire night through to the annual displays at the Edinburgh Festival and Tattoo.

However, ensuring fireworks are used safely and handled with care is essential to ensure they do not cause harm, distress, or serious injury. Every year, the hard work of our emergency services to tackle dangerous and anti-social behaviour associated with fireworks helps to reduce the number of incidents, particularly around bonfire night. However, every year there are still a number of concerning reports.

I would like to hear your views on how you use and enjoy fireworks, and the impact fireworks have on you and your community. I would like to hear your views and ideas on what action we can take to ensure fireworks continue to be enjoyed safely and responsibly.

Communities that are enabled to work together, alongside local partners, to identify issues and contribute to solutions are more likely to identify effective and sustainable ways forward that work for their local area. I would like to hear your thoughts and ideas about how we can make the most of the knowledge and experiences within our communities to support the safe and responsible use of fireworks.

While the sale of fireworks is an issue only the UK Government at Westminster can change, I will use the outcomes of this consultation to inform ongoing discussions about what changes are needed.

I very much welcome your views, thoughts and ideas and encourage you to get involved in this conversation.

Ash Denham
Minister for Community Safety


Email: Elinor Findlay

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