
Fireworks in Scotland: analysis of responses to consultation

Summary of key themes to emerge from the consultation to gather the public's views on the use and regulation of fireworks in Scotland.

Annex 2 - Results at closed questions by respondent type

Table 2: Question 1 - What is the main way you typically enjoy and experience fireworks?
Attend a small private event hosted by you or someone else Attend a locally organised event with less than 500 people attending Attend a large public organised event with more than 500 people attending Do not attend firework events Other Not Answered Grand Total
Animal-related third sector or community group 3 8 3 5 19
Animal-related private sector 1 3 1 5
Community council 1 5 6 4 2 1 19
Community group 3 2 2 2 9
Community safety organisation 1 1 2
Community-based firework display 2 2
Emergency Service 1 1
Firework events company 1 1
Fireworks professional or representative body 3 3
Fireworks retailer or supplier 1 3 1 5
Local authority 2 4 1 4 4 15
Professional or representative body 1 3 4
Third sector - non animal-related 2 2
Young peoples' group or service 3 1 1 5
Other 1 2 1 2 6

Table 2 continues on next page.

Table 2 (continued): Question 1 - What is the main way you typically enjoy and experience fireworks?
Attend a small private event hosted by you or someone else Attend a locally organised event with less than 500 people attending Attend a large public organised event with more than 500 people attending Do not attend firework events Other Not Answered Grand Total
Total organisations 6 13 19 22 19 19 98
% of organisations answering 8% 16% 24% 28% 24%
Individuals 870 2,638 3,979 8,236 472 127 16,322
% of individuals answering 5% 16% 25% 51% 3%
All respondents 876 2,651 3,998 8,258 491 146 16,420
% of all respondents 5% 16% 24% 50% 3% 1%
% of all those answering 5% 16% 25% 51% 3%
Table 3: Question 2 - Would you say that fireworks form an important part of celebration events for you?
Yes No Not Answered Grand Total
Animal-related third sector or community group 2 12 5 19
Animal-related private sector 5 5
Community council 8 10 1 19
Community group 6 3 9
Community safety organisation 2 2
Community-based firework display 1 1 2
Emergency Service 1 1
Firework events company 1 1
Fireworks professional or representative body 3 3
Fireworks retailer or supplier 4 1 5
Local authority 6 4 5 15
Professional or representative body 1 3 4
Third sector - non animal-related 2 2
Young peoples' group or service 4 1 5
Other 3 1 2 6
Total organisations 32 44 22 98
% of organisations answering 42% 58%
Individuals 2,580 13,667 75 16,322
% of individuals answering 16% 84%
All respondents 2,612 13,711 97 16,420
% of all respondents 16% 84% 1%
% of all those answering 16% 84%
Table 4: Question 3 - Have you been affected by fireworks being used in an irresponsible or unsafe way?
Yes No Not Answered Grand Total
Animal-related third sector or community group 15 1 3 19
Animal-related private sector 4 1 5
Community council 13 4 2 19
Community group 4 5 9
Community safety organisation 2 2
Community-based firework display 1 1 2
Emergency Service 1 1
Firework events company 1 1
Fireworks professional or representative body 3 3
Fireworks retailer or supplier 4 1 5
Local authority 6 5 4 15
Professional or representative body 1 1 2 4
Third sector - non animal-related 1 1 2
Young peoples' group or service 3 2 5
Other 1 3 2 6
Total organisations 53 28 17 98
% of organisations answering 65% 35%
Individuals 11,297 4,942 83 16,322
% of individuals answering 70% 30%
All respondents 11,350 4,970 100 16,420
% of all respondents 69% 30% 1%
% of all those answering 70% 30%
Table 5: Question 4 - Do you think there should be more controls over the sale of fireworks?
Yes No Not Answered Grand Total
Animal-related third sector or community group 17 2 19
Animal-related private sector 5 5
Community council 15 3 1 19
Community group 7 2 9
Community safety organisation 1 1 2
Community-based firework display 2 2
Emergency Service 1 1
Firework events company 1 1
Fireworks professional or representative body 2 1 3
Fireworks retailer or supplier 5 5
Local authority 10 4 1 15
Professional or representative body 2 1 1 4
Third sector - non animal-related 1 1 2
Young peoples' group or service 5 5
Other 4 1 1 6
Total organisations 71 20 7 98
% of organisations answering 78% 22%
Individuals 15,359 899 64 16,322
% of individuals answering 94% 6%
All respondents 15,430 919 71 16,420
% of all respondents 94% 6% 0%
% of all those answering 94% 6%
Table 6: Question 5 - What are your views on banning the sale of fireworks to the public in Scotland?
Yes, I would welcome a ban on the sale of fireworks. No, I would not welcome a ban on the sale of fireworks. Unsure Not Answered Grand Total
Animal-related third sector or community group 11 3 4 1 19
Animal-related private sector 5 5
Community council 11 7 1 19
Community group 4 4 1 9
Community safety organisation 2 2
Community-based firework display 1 1 2
Emergency Service 1 1
Firework events company 1 1
Fireworks professional or representative body 2 1 3
Fireworks retailer or supplier 5 5
Local authority 2 6 6 1 15
Professional or representative body 2 2 4
Third sector - non animal-related 1 1 2
Young peoples' group or service 2 3 5
Other 2 2 2 6
Total organisations 36 38 15 9 98
% of organisations answering 40% 43% 17%
Individuals 14,126 1,535 603 58 16,322
% of individuals answering 87% 9% 4%
All respondents 14,162 1,573 618 67 16,420
% of all respondents 86% 10% 4% 0%
% of all those answering 87% 10% 4%
Table 7: Question 6 - Do you think there should be more controls on how fireworks can be used in Scotland?
Yes No Not Answered Grand Total
Animal-related third sector or community group 17 2 19
Animal-related private sector 5 5
Community council 13 5 1 19
Community group 7 2 9
Community safety organisation 1 1 2
Community-based firework display 1 1 2
Emergency Service 1 1
Firework events company 1 1
Fireworks professional or representative body 1 2 3
Fireworks retailer or supplier 5 5
Local authority 8 6 1 15
Professional or representative body 3 1 4
Third sector - non animal-related 2 2
Young peoples' group or service 4 1 5
Other 4 1 1 6
Total organisations 66 24 8 98
% of organisations answering 73% 27%
Individuals 14,944 1,256 122 16,322
% of individuals answering 92% 8%
All respondents 15,010 1,280 130 16,420
% of all respondents 92% 8% 1%
% of all those answering 92% 8%
Table 8: Question 10 - Do you think that there should be more controls to make sure animals are not caused unnecessary suffering because of the use of fireworks?
Yes No Not Answered Grand Total
Animal-related third sector or community group 18 1 19
Animal-related private sector 5 5
Community council 12 5 2 19
Community group 6 3 9
Community safety organisation 1 1 2
Community-based firework display 2 2
Emergency Service 1 1
Firework events company 1 1
Fireworks professional or representative body 3 3
Fireworks retailer or supplier 4 1 5
Local authority 11 2 2 15
Professional or representative body 1 1 2 4
Third sector - non animal-related 2 2
Young peoples' group or service 5 5
Other 3 1 2 6
Total organisations 67 17 14 98
% of organisations answering 80% 20%
Individuals 15,020 1,130 172 16,322
% of individuals answering 93% 7%
All respondents 15,087 1,147 186 16,420
% of all respondents 92% 7% 1%
% of all those answering 93% 7%



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