
Fuel poverty strategy for Scotland: consultation

The consultation seeks views on proposals to tackle and diminish fuel poverty in Scotland.

Section 7: Outcomes and Principles

At the heart of our fuel poverty strategy is our commitment to work with the people and communities of Scotland to deliver the best possible outcomes. Tackling the issue comprehensively will require serious long-term commitment to work with our partners across the public, private and third sectors.

However, the aims remain true to those that were identified in the 2012 Fuel Poverty Evidence Review, namely:

  • All households are able to enjoy adequate thermal comfort;
  • Energy bills present less hardship to lower income households (defined as lowest 3 deciles of income);
  • There is increased understanding by households of how to use energy in the home;
  • Increased long term income for fuel poor households; and
  • Dwellings occupied by fuel poor households have lower carbon emissions.

These outcomes are already firmly embedded in new and existing programmes like SEEP and HEEPS; through actions set out in the Fairer Scotland Action Plan; and through implementing an effective social security system alongside a plan for greater economic growth across Scotland. We will continue to work across Government and with partner organisations to support the strategic delivery of these aims.

The recommendations made by the SWG and the RFPTF have been a valuable guide in developing our strategy. We want to ensure that we align this strategy with the guiding principles set out by these groups and therefore the following principles will underpin our approach:

  • The fuel poverty strategy will be firmly based on the principle of social justice and creating a fairer and more equal society, irrespective of whether individuals live in urban or rural Scotland;
  • The Scottish Government's approach to fuel poverty eradication will be set on a statutory framework, measured and overseen by Ministers and delivered via partnership structures at a local level. Building on the assets of individuals and communities will be at the heart of this partnership and early intervention and prevention will be crucial to success; and
  • The needs of individuals and families will be at the heart of service design and delivery and the fuel poverty strategy will address all four drivers of fuel poverty: income, energy costs, energy performance, and how energy is used in the home.

Outcomes-focused working helps shift the focus of policy from processes and inputs towards the impact that the policy and its delivery has on people and communities. It also encourages public services and other key contributors to work together effectively. By developing an outcomes framework for fuel poverty we are enabling Scottish Government and its partners to adopt a shared understanding of what needs to be achieved for those who are in, or at risk of falling into, fuel poverty.

To demonstrate the links between the drivers of fuel poverty, the policies that address them, and this strategy's outcomes, we have developed a logic model - a simplified diagram that shows the logical relationship between policy activities and the outcomes or benefits of those activities. The logic model is attached as an annex to this consultation.


19) What are your views on, or experience of how an outcomes-focused approach would work in practice?

a) Would it encourage national and local policy and delivery partners to work together effectively, and if not, what alternative approach(es) do you propose could be used instead?

20) Do you think the principles detailed in the 3 bullet points above are adequately reflected in the outcomes framework?

21) In your opinion, would the proposed framework help to strengthen partnerships on-the-ground?

a) If so, how?

b) If not, why?


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