A Consultation on the Future of Land Reform in Scotland: Analysis of Consultation Responses
A consultation paper was published in Dec 2014 seeking views on a range of land reform proposals. This report provides an analysis of the responses received
1. Land Reform Policy Group, A Vision for the Future, Scottish Executive; Edinburgh,1999.
2. A campaign is when one organisation or individual sets out their views to a consultation and other respondents follow this response template in their response. Amongst the 104 campaign responses, three "campaign" templates were identified.
3. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Environment/land-reform/consultation
4. As noted in paragraph 1.5, the views reported here are those of the respondents to this consultation and may not represent the views of the wider population.
5. Land Reform Policy Group, A Vision for the Future, Scottish Executive; Edinburgh,1999.
6. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/05/2852
7. This figure could be higher. The precise numbers of campaign and campaign plus responses are challenging to determine due to some respondents submitting their responses using the online response system (and therefore making identification very difficult) and others submitting electronic or hard copies which facilitated ready identification of the common templates used.
8. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Environment/land-reform/consultation
9. The response of Scotland's Rural College contained detailed points relating to the proposed vision and principles and can be viewed at https://consult.scotland.gov.uk/land-reform-and-tenancy-unit/land-reform-scotland/consultation/published_select_respondent
10. Precise numbers of respondents could not be used here, as explained in paragraph 4.26, due to overlapping responses across different questions. Instead, an indication of volume of respondents holding different views has been provided by using terms such as "few", "much support" and "recurring theme".
11. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
12. It was not possible to identify the views of Charities as a separate group as they were not readily identifiable from the information requested on the consultation response form.
13. The full response from the Scottish Charity Regulator has been published by the Scottish Government and can be accessed using the link Scottish Charity Regulator
14. s.151, Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994.
15. The Review Group's report was published in January 2015 and was referenced in the consultation document with a hyperlink.
16. As above, the Review Group's report was published in January 2015 and was referenced in the consultation document with a hyperlink.
Email: Liz Hawkins
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