Consultation on the implementation of certain sections of the Mental Health Act (Scotland) 2015 and Associated regulations (Part 1).

First consultation on the implementation of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 2015 and associated secondary legislation. It focuses on implementation of named persons, advance statements, conflict of interest regulations and safeguards for certain informal patients regulations.

Chapter 6 – Impact Assessments

We are thinking about the ways the changes to the law will affect people.

An equality assessment will help us understand how people will be affected because of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

We will also assess how much money the changes will cost or save, any other effects on businesses and organisations such as hospitals or councils, and if children's rights or people's privacy will be affected.

Question 21 - Do you think any of the plans set out in this consultation will have an impact for good or bad on equalities as set out above and if so, what impact do you think that will be?

Question 22 - What impact (including potential costs) will there be for businesses and other organisations from these proposals?

Question 23 - Do you think any of these proposals will have an impact for good or bad on children's rights and if so, what impact do you think that will be?

Question 24 - Do you think any of these proposals will have an impact for good or bad on privacy and if so, what impact do you think that will be?


Email: Mental Health Law Team

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