
Consultation on the implementation of the Medium Combustion Plant Directive in Scotland

Consultation on proposals for transposing the Medium Combustion Plant Directive into domestic legislation.





4. Directive 97/68/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion (Compression Ignition and spark ignition) engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery, inland waterway vessels and railway applications.

5. This requirement does not apply to existing requirements for plants that are already permitted.

6. "Generator" means:

  • any single stationary electricity generating combustion plant; or
  • any group of stationary electricity generating combustion plant located together and providing electricity for the same purpose, with a rated thermal input of between 1MWth and 50MWth, including any MCP, but excluding any plant subject to the provisions of Chapter II or Chapter III of Directive 2010/75/ EU (the industrial emissions Directive).

7. A nuclear site licence issued by the Office for Nuclear Regulation

8. "Tranche A generator" means any generator that:

  • comes into operation before 1 December 2016; or
  • is the subject of a Capacity Market Agreement for new capacity arising from the 2014 or 2015 auction (including those which have not come into operation by 1 December 2016); or
  • for which a Feed-in Tariff preliminary accreditation application has been received by Ofgem before 1 December 2016.

9. Except:

  • any Tranche B generator used at a site to which it is not reasonably practicable to supply mains power; or
  • any Tranche B back-up generator for which the operator has demonstrated to the regulator a genuine need to carry out routine testing for more than 50 hours per year.
  • Any tranche A generator with a rated thermal input 5-<50 MW with NOx emissions 500mg/Nm 3 or greater In these cases, the regulator will exercise their functions as necessary to ensure that the conditions set in permits will ensure that generators will not to give rise to a breach of standards specified in Annex XI the Ambient Air Quality Directive requirements are applied.

10. A contract or agreement to supply capacity or electricity to National Grid made before 1 December 2016

11. the pollutant concentration limits set in Annex XI of the Ambient Air Quality Directive (Directive 2008/50/ EC) at any sensitive receptor (for example a place where people are likely to be exposed) in the local area

12. Frontier report for DECC


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