Local authority - General Power of Competence: consultation

A public consultation on a local authority General Power of Competence.


1. “Ultra vires” is a Latin phrase meaning "beyond the powers” and is commonly defined in law as an action that exceeds the legal scope of an entity’s authority.

2. Paragraph 163 of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021

3. Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970

4. Section 69 Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973

5. Section 83 Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973

6. Local Government in Scotland Act 2003

7. The Local Authority (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Scotland) Regulations 2016

8. The Local Government Investments (Scotland) Regulations 2010

9. Local government finance circular 5/2010: investment by Scottish Local Authorities

10. Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970

11. Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973

12. Local Government in Scotland Act 2003

13. The Local Government Investments (Scotland) Regulations 2010

14. Finance Circular 5/2010 – The Investment of Money by Scottish Local Authorities

15. The Local Authority (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Scotland) Regulations 2016

16. Islands (Scotland) Act 2018

17. Additional Powers Request Regulations- non-statutory guidance

18. The Additional Powers Request (Scotland) Regulations 2019

19. Local authorities and competition

20. Competition Act 1998 (legislation.gov.uk)

21. Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970

22. Local Government Act 2000 - Explanatory Notes

23. Local Government Act 2003

24. Localism Act 2011

25. Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021

26. Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014


Email: GPCconsultation@gov.scot

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