
Out of home sector - mandatory calorie labelling: consultation

The public is being invited to have their say on plans to add the number of calories to menus in the out of home food sector including cafes, restaurants and takeaways.

10. Enforcement

10.1 As set out in the Scottish Regulators' Strategic Code of Practice, enforcement functions should be delivered in a way that is transparent, accountable, proportionate, consistent, and targeted only where necessary.

10.2 We will work closely with businesses, regulatory bodies and local authorities (LAs) to ensure compliance with any calorie labelling requirements are monitored and enforced in a way that is fair and not overly burdensome. Enforcement approaches may include advice, guidance, inspections, monitoring and enforcement.

10.3 LAs are responsible for enforcing existing food law in the businesses captured in the scope of the mandatory calorie labelling proposals. We acknowledge that LAs are well placed to support with the delivery and enforcement of this policy proposal and welcome views through the consultation on possible approaches to enforcement.

10.4 We recognise the importance of clarity in ensuring the effective implementation of this policy. To support this, we would plan to work with local authorities and industry in developing guidance to local authorities on matters for which they should have regard when discharging their functions.

10.5 We would plan to work closely with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, FSS and others to assess resource implications.

Question 16 - Please comment on our proposals for enforcement and implementation outlined in section 10.

Question 17 - How could any requirements be enforced, in a way that is fair and not overly burdensome?



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