
Out of home sector - mandatory calorie labelling: consultation

The public is being invited to have their say on plans to add the number of calories to menus in the out of home food sector including cafes, restaurants and takeaways.

11. Impact Assessments

11.1 In order to inform our equality and fairer Scotland impact assessments, and to give due consideration to potential unintended consequences, we would welcome your views on the following questions:

Question 18 - What impacts, if any, do you think the proposed policy would have on people on the basis of their: age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, disability, gender reassignment and marriage/civil partnership?

Please consider both potentially positive and negative impacts and provide evidence where available. Comment on each characteristic individually.


Question 19 - What impacts, if any, do you think the proposed policy would have on people living with socio-economic disadvantage? Please consider both potentially positive and negative impacts and provide evidence where available.


Question 20 – Please use this space to identify other communities or population groups who you consider may be differentially impacted by this policy proposal. Please consider both potentially positive and negative impacts and provide evidence where available.


Question 21 - Please tell us about any other potential unintended consequences (positive or negative) to businesses, consumers or others you consider may arise from the proposals set out in this consultation.




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