
Out of home sector - mandatory calorie labelling: consultation

The public is being invited to have their say on plans to add the number of calories to menus in the out of home food sector including cafes, restaurants and takeaways.

7. How calories would be calculated

7.1 If mandatory calorie labelling were to be introduced, we intend to apply the current guidance for the provision of nutrition information under the Food Information for the Consumer Regulation on acceptable methods for calculating calorie values. This states that declared values must be average values based on the following methodologies:

  • the manufacturer's analysis of the food;
  • a calculation from the known or actual average values of the ingredients used; or
  • a calculation from generally established and accepted data.

7.2 In the UK, "generally established and accepted data" is The Composition of Foods Integrated Dataset (COFIDS) and can be found online via a searchable website.

7.3 There are many software packages available that can assist in calculating calories of food and drinks. FSS offers an online calorie calculator tool, MenuCal, free of charge to all business in Scotland. MenuCal also supports businesses with managing requirements for the provision of allergen information of their menu items.



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