
Measuring the attainment gap: consultation

Consultation on proposals for measuring the poverty-related attainment gap and milestones towards closing it.

Annex A - Measuring the Attainment Gap and Progress Towards Closing it

Proposed Stretch Aims

Percentage of children known to have no concern across all domains, at their 27-30 month Child Health Review, by SIMD Quintile
Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 children (combined) achieving the CfE Level relevant to their stage in Literacy, by SIMD Quintile; Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 children (combined) achieving the CfE Level relevant to their stage in Numeracy, by SIMD Quintile
Percentage of S3 children achieving CfE 3rd Level or better in Literacy, by SIMD Quintile; Percentage of S3 children achieving CfE 3rd Level or better in Numeracy, by SIMD Quintile;
Percentage of school leavers with 1 or more qualificatin at SCQF Level 5 or better, by SIMD Quintile; Percentage of school leavers with 1 or more qualificatin at SCQF Level 6 or better, by SIMD Quintile
Percentage of 16-19 year olds are participating in education, training or employment, by SIMD Quintile


Email: Katie Brydon Katie Brydon

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