
Consultation on new controls in the Nephrops and Crabs and Lobster Fisheries - Outcome Report

Outcome report on a consultation seeking views on new controls in the Scottish creel fisheries and on increasing the minimum landing size for West of Scotland Nephrops.

General Conclusion

129. Marine Scotland used this consultation to sense check whether calls for the introduction of creel limits in the Nephrops and the crab and lobster fisheries reflected widely held views in the fishing industry and to secure an authoritative range of opinion on the pros and cons of such an approach. In analysing responses Marine Scotland has determined that there is currently no appetite for the introduction of national creel limits and that the potential benefits or consequences of such limits remain uncertain, given the lack of evidence for or against such measures. We therefore do not propose to introduce them at this time.

130. There are, however, clearly issues that need further consideration and these have been outlined in this report. The commissioned research Management of the Scottish Inshore Fisheries: Assessing the Options for Change will help inform policy on these issues and we will continue to engage with relevant stakeholders about the future management of inshore fisheries.

131. Marine Scotland also believes that there is a central role for newly expanded IFGs to play, whereby more nuanced local solutions can be considered and brought forward to fit specific local circumstances. This might include local schemes to limit creel numbers or to apply other measures in pursuit of sustainable, well-managed inshore fisheries.


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