
Consultation on New Controls in the Queen Scallop Fishery in ICES Divisions VIa and VIIa

Seeking views on introducing new management measures in the Queen Scallop fishery in ICES divisions VIa and VIIa.

6. Current Management within the Isle of Man Territorial Sea

In contrast to UK waters, a series of management controls have been introduced within the Isle of Man territorial sea since 2010 in an attempt to protect stock levels and contribute to more stable fishery production and value. These management measures helped the Isle of Man queen scallop trawl fishery achieve sustainability certification by the Marine Stewardship Council, although they did not prevent the major stock decline observed since 2011. This has subsequently resulted in even more stringent controls and a severely diminished fishery.

Management measures currently in place within Isle of Man territorial waters include:

  • An annual total allowable catch quota and weekly individual vessel quotas,
  • A minimum landing size of 55 mm,
  • An effective fishery closure between (approximately) November and June each year (statutory closed season between 1 st April and 31 st May, no trawl fishery between November and April, and a very limited dredge fishery around October),
  • A series of closed areas to protect reproductive stock,
  • Temporal fishing restrictions (daily and weekly),
  • Significant restrictions on dredge fishing for this species [5] .


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