
New Enterprise Agency for the South of Scotland: consultation

This is a public consultation to inform the legislation on a new Enterprise Agency for the South of Scotland.

1. Aim of Consultation

1.1. This consultation seeks your views on the establishment of a new Enterprise Agency for the South of Scotland. Your response will shape the development of the South of Scotland Enterprise Agency, influence what it will do and inform the legislation needed to establish it.

1.2. Our commitment to establish a new Agency responds to what you told us was needed to help the economy of the South grow. The foundations are there. We want to continue the conversation to build on that base and to get the detail of the design right.

1.3. We know it is vital that the Agency is able to drive inclusive growth, increase competitiveness and tackle inequality across the South of Scotland [1] . It will act as a voice for the South, a strong advocate for the area providing direction and vision.

1.4. We want to hear what you feel would make the difference. This paper sets out a framework for that discussion. But we don't want to constrain the discussion and we welcome all of your views and suggestions. As well as this written consultation document, we will be taking forward a range of meetings across the area over the next few months to hear your views directly.


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