
New Enterprise Agency for the South of Scotland: consultation

This is a public consultation to inform the legislation on a new Enterprise Agency for the South of Scotland.

8. Other issues

8 In this consultation paper, we are seeking views on a wide range of issues and this section poses some more general questions. But we do not want to constrain the discussion. If there are other areas you would like to raise, we look forward to hearing about them.

Question 15: We know that young people are less likely to stay in or move to the South of Scotland than they are other parts of the country. Do you have any comments on things the Agency could do to meet the interests of children and young people?

Question 16: In delivering opportunity and growth in the South of Scotland, how can the Agency:

  • promote equality for people who share one or more protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010 [13] ;
  • combat discrimination; and
  • foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not?

Question 17: Do you have any other comments on how the Agency might address specific needs? [14]

Question 18: We want to make sure that the Agency works effectively with a wide range of key stakeholders/partner agencies to ensure that inclusive growth also enables positive social and environmental outcomes. Do you have any comments on how this should work in practice?

Question 19: Do you have any other thoughts on powers that the Agency will need?

Question 20: Is there anything else you wish to say about the operation of the Agency?


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