National health and care standards: consultation analysis
Full analysis of responses to the consultation on new national care standards.
Annex 2: Detailed comments relating to each Standard
Where respondents submitted clear and substantive comments relating to individual descriptive statements, these were extracted and have been summarised in the tables below. There has been no attempt to weight or judge these comments, which may be views shared by many respondents, or the view of just one individual, but nevertheless are useful for consideration in the final editing of the Standards.
Table 1
Detailed comments relating to individual descriptive statements supporting Standard 1
Statement |
Detailed comments |
Dignity and respect |
1.1 I am accepted and valued whatever my needs, disability, gender, age, faith, spirituality, mental health status, background or sexual orientation. |
1.2 I am not discriminated against in any aspect of my care and support. |
1.3 I am supported and cared for using a positive and understanding approach, even if my behaviour is challenging to others. |
1.4 If I require intimate personal care this is carried out in a dignified way, with my personal preferences respected. |
1.5 If I need support managing my money and my personal affairs, I am able to have as much control as possible and my interests are safeguarded. |
This statement attracted no substantive comment. |
1.6 If I am being supported and cared for in the community, this is done discreetly and with respect. |
Compassion |
1.7 I experience encouragement and warmth and my strengths and achievements are celebrated. |
1.8 I get the most out of life because the people and organisation who support and care for me have an enabling attitude and believe in my potential. |
1.9 I am supported to discuss changes in my life, including death or dying, this is handled sensitively and my wishes and choices are respected. |
1.10 If I experience care and support in a group, the overall size of that group is right for me. |
This statement attracted more comment than others.
Be included |
1.11 I am recognised by people who support and care for me as an expert in my own experiences, needs and wishes. |
1.12 I am encouraged to take part in everyday tasks to help the running of the service if I choose to. |
Responsive care and support: Assessing my care and support needs |
1.13 My emotional, psychological and physical needs are assessed by a qualified professional at an early stage, regularly and when my needs change. |
1.14 My care and support is right for me because I am fully involved in my assessment. |
1.15 If I have a carer, their needs are assessed and support provided. |
1.16 If the care and support that I need or choose is not available or delayed, the reasons for this are explained to me and I can get help to use a suitable alternative. |
Responsive care and support: Experiencing care |
1.17 I am supported to live in my own home if this is possible for me. |
1.18 I am supported to manage my own care and support if this is what I want. |
1.19 I can access technology and other specialist equipment so I can be independent, including to call assistance and manage my own health and wellbeing. |
1.20 I fully participate in developing and regularly reviewing my personal plan. |
1.21 If I have particular needs, due to a health condition, age or circumstance, I am informed about the care and support I should experience, (or care plan) that clearly sets out my needs and wishes and how these will be met. |
1.22 If I, or others, have concerns about my health and wellbeing, these are acted on and appropriate assessments and referrals are made. |
1.23 My needs, as agreed in my personal plan, are fully met, and my wishes are respected. |
1.24 I know how organisations can support my wellbeing and I am helped to contact them if I wish. |
This statement attracted no substantive comment. |
1.25 I experience proper planning and am helped when using a new service, or when I move between services. |
Wellbeing: general |
1.26 I am in the right place to experience the care and support I need and want. |
1.27 I am helped to access the health care that I need and any other public services. |
1.28 I am supported to make healthy lifestyle choices that are right for me. |
1.29 If I need help with medication, this is done safely and effectively. |
Wellbeing: eating and drinking |
1.30 I can choose suitably presented, healthy and nutritious meals and snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetables if this is right for me. |
1.31 I can enjoy unhurried snack and meal times in a relaxed an atmosphere as possible. |
1.32 I can enjoy snacks and meals alongside other people using and working in the service if appropriate and I want this. |
1.33 I enjoy meals and snacks which meet my cultural and dietary needs. |
1.34 If I experience care and support in a group, I can choose to make my own meals, snacks and drinks, with support if I need it. |
1.35 I can drink fresh water at all times. |
Wellbeing: Activities |
1.36 I can have an active life and fulfil my aspirations by being supported to take part in activities that are important to me, in the way I like. |
1.37 I am supported to participate in a range of recreational, social, physical and learning activities. |
1.38 If I experience care and support in a group, or in my own home, I can choose to do creative and artistic activities every day, such as art, crafts, music, drama, and dance. |
1.39 I am supported to participate fully as a citizen in my local community. |
Wellbeing: Protection |
1.40 I am listened to and taken seriously if I have a concern about the safety and wellbeing of myself or others. |
This statement attracted no substantive comment. |
1.41 I am protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation. |
1.42 I am helped to develop personal resilience and ways to keep myself safe. |
1.43 If I might harm myself or others, I know that people have a duty to protect me and others, which may involve contacting relevant agencies. |
1.44 The people who support and care for me are alert and responsive to any signs that I may be unhappy or at risk of harm. |
Wellbeing: for children in their early years |
1.45 I have fun as I develop my skills in understanding, thinking, language, literacy, numeracy, investigation and problem solving. |
1.46 I can take part in pretend play and storytelling. |
1.47 I spend time outdoors every day and this is a significant part of my day if I attend full-time, where appropriate. |
1.48 I can regularly explore, and be creative in, a natural environment. |
1.49 If I attend all day and I am under school age, I can if needed have a sleep on a sleeping mat or bed with my own bed linen. |
1.50 I can choose to grow, cook and eat my own food, if possible. |
Table 2
Detailed comments relating to individual descriptive statements supporting Standard 2
Statement |
Detailed comments |
Dignity and respect |
2.1 I am empowered and enabled to be as independent, and as in control of my life as I want and can be. |
2.2 I receive and understand information and advice in a format or language that is right for me, including using independent advocacy if I want or need this. |
2.3 I am as involved as I can be in agreeing any restrictions to my independence, control and choice and these are justified, uphold my human rights and are kept to a minimum. |
Compassion |
2.4 I am supported to communicate in a way that is right for me, at my own pace, by people who are sensitive to me and my needs. |
Be included |
2.5 I can access translation services and communication tools where necessary and I am supported to use these. |
2.6 I have time and help to understand the planned care, support, therapy and intervention I will receive, including any cost, before deciding what is right for me. |
2.7 If possible I can choose who will provide my care and support and how this will be provided. If possible, I can visit the service before deciding and/or meet the people who |
2.8 If there is limited choice, this is explained to me so I understand the reasons for this. |
2.9 If I need or want to move on and start using another service, I will be fully involved in this decision and helped to find a suitable alternative. If I am moving from a service for children to one for adults, I am helped with this transition. |
2.10 If I am unable to make my own decisions, the views of those who know my wishes, my carer, advocate or representative will be sought and taken into account to establish what my wishes would be. |
2.11 If I have expressed my own views and choices, these will be respected if I lose capacity. |
2.12 I am able to resolve conflict, negotiate boundaries, agree rules and build positive relationships with other people as much as I can. |
Responsive care and support |
2.13 I am supported to manage my relationships with my family, friends and/or partner in a way that suits my wellbeing. |
2.14 If I am living in a care home, I can receive visitors in private and have a friend, family member or partner to sometimes stay over in the home. |
Wellbeing |
2.15 I make choices and decisions about all day to day aspects of my life, including managing my own money, how I dress, what I eat and how I spend my time. |
2.16 I make informed choices and decisions about risks I take in my daily life and am encouraged to take positive risks which enhance the quality of my life. |
2.17 I am helped to understand the impact and consequences of risky and unsafe behaviour and decisions. |
Wellbeing: For children in their early years |
2.18 I have the right to control my own play in the way that I choose. |
2.19 I can freely access a wide range of experiences and resources suitable for my age and stage, which stimulate my natural curiosity, learning and creativity. |
This statement attracted no substantive comment. |
2.20 I enjoy extended play and activities that develop my confidence, self-esteem and imagination. |
This statement attracted no substantive comment. |
2.21 I can play flexibly and creatively using open-ended and natural play materials and I experience a balance of organised and freely chosen activities. |
Table 3
Detailed comments relating to individual descriptive statements supporting Standard 3
Statement |
Detailed comments |
Dignity and respect |
3.1 I experience people speaking and listening to me in a way that is courteous and respectful, with my care and support being the main focus of people's attention. |
3.2 If I experience care and support at home, people are respectful when they visit my home. |
3.3 I am supported and cared for by people who challenge discrimination and bullying and stand up for me and my rights if I need this. |
3.4 I am treated as an individual by people who get to know me and understand me, my lifestyle and choices. |
Compassion |
3.5 I am greeted warmly by people, and, if I do not know them, they introduce themselves. |
3.6 I experience a warm atmosphere because people who support and care for me have good working relationships. |
3.7 I can build relationships with the people who support and care for me in a way that we all feel comfortable with. |
3.8 I experience warmth, kindness and compassion in how I am supported and cared for, including physical comfort when appropriate for me and the person supporting and caring for me. |
3.9 I am helped to feel content and at ease by the people who support and care for me. |
Be included |
3.10 I know who provides my care and support on a day to day basis and what they should do. If possible, I can have a say on who provides my care and support. |
3.11 I can understand that the people who support and care for me when they communicate with me. |
3.12 I am supported to be part of the local community, to enjoy family life and to develop interests if this is what I want. |
3.13 I experience appropriate and consistent boundaries, guidance, and care. |
Responsive care and support |
3.14 My needs are met by people who are trained, competent and skilled to support me, and able to reflect on how they do that, and follow their professional codes. |
3.15 I am supported by people who understand my needs, choices and wishes. |
3.16 I am supported sensitively by people who anticipate issues and are aware of and plan for any known vulnerability or frailty. |
3.17 My needs, wishes and choices are met because I am supported by the right number of people with the right skills and experience. |
3.18 People have enough time to support and care for me and to speak with me. |
This statement attracted more comment than others.
3.19 I am supported by people who respond promptly when I ask for help. |
3.20 My care and support is consistent and stable because people work together well. |
Wellbeing |
3.21 I am supported and cared for by people who have a clear understanding of their responsibilities to protect me from discrimination, neglect, abuse and avoidable harm. |
3.22 I am helped to feel safe and secure in the area where I live. |
3.23 The people who care for me stimulate my interests and spontaneity. |
3.24 People help me to extend my learning and development, and they ask open questions and involve me in genuine dialogue. |
Table 4
Detailed comments relating to individual descriptive statements supporting Standard 4
Statement |
Detailed comments |
Dignity and respect |
4.1 I am confident and experience that my human rights are central to the organisation that supports and cares for me, and that it helps to tackle inequalities. |
Compassion |
4.2 I receive an apology if things go wrong with my care and support or my human rights are not respected and the organisation takes responsibility for its actions. |
4.3 I use a service where all people are respected and valued. |
Be included |
4.4 I am informed of the organisation's aims and I can be involved in decisions about how it works and develops. |
4.5 I am actively encouraged to be involved in improving the service I use, in a spirit of genuine partnership. |
4.6 I give feedback on how I experience my care and support and the organisation uses learning from this to improve. |
4.7 I can take part in recruiting and training people who provide my care and support if possible. |
4.8 I am supported to make use of relevant screening and healthcare programmes. |
Responsive care and support |
4.9 I experience high quality care and support based on relevant evidence, guidance and best practice. |
4.10 I am involved in shaping how my service can continually improve to meet everybody's needs, choices and wishes. |
4.11 I receive appropriate notice and I am involved in finding an alternative if the service I use plans to close. |
4.12 I am looked after in a planned and safe way, including if there is an emergency or unexpected event affecting the premises. |
4.13 I continue to experience stability in my care and support from people who know my needs, choices and wishes, if there are changes in the service or organisation. |
4.14 I am supported and cared for by people I know so that I experience consistency and continuity. |
4.15 If I am supported and cared for by a team or more than one organisation, this is well co-ordinated so that I can experience consistency and continuity. |
4.16 I know how to make a complaint or raise a concern about my care and support. |
4.17 If I have a concern or complaint, I know this will be acted on without negative consequences. |
Wellbeing |
4.18 I am confident that the service I use and the organisation providing it are well led. |
4.19 I am supported and cared for by people who have been appropriately recruited. |
4.20 I am supported to reach my full potential by people who are encouraged to be innovative in the way they support and care for me. |
Table 5
Detailed comments relating to individual descriptive statements supporting Standard 5
Statement |
Detailed comments |
Dignity and respect |
5.1 I experience an environment that is well looked after and attractive, with clean, tidy and well-maintained premises, furnishings and equipment. |
5.2 I can use an appropriate mix of private and communal areas, including an accessible outdoor space. |
5.3 I can easily access a toilet from the rooms I use and I can use a toilet when I need to. |
5.4 If I live in a care home, I have ensuite facilities with a shower and can choose to have a bath if I want. |
This statement attracted much criticism.
5.5 I have a secure place to keep my belongings. |
5.6 If CCTV is used, I know about this and how my privacy is protected. |
This statement attracted more comment than others.
5.7 For children in their early years: if I wear nappies, there is a suitable area with a sink and some privacy for me to be changed. |
This statement attracted more comment than others.
Compassion |
5.8 I experience care and support in a homely environment. |
5.9 I experience homely care and support in a service that is the right size for me. |
5.10 If I live in a care home, the premises are designed and organised so that I can experience small group living and an environment that is right for me. |
5.11 If I experience care and support in a group, I can use a cosy area with soft furnishings to relax. |
Be included |
5.12 I experience a service as near as possible to people who are important to me and my home area if I want this and if it is safe. |
5.13 The location and type of premises enable me to experience care and support free from isolation and for me to be an active member of the local community if this is appropriate. |
5.14 If I experience 24-hour care, I have access to a telephone, radio, TV and the internet so that I am connected. |
This statement attracted more comment than others
5.15 I can independently access all parts of the premises I use and the environment has been designed to promote this. |
This statement attracted more comment than others.
5.16 If people who support and care for me have separate facilities, these do not take away from the homeliness of the service and my feeling of being at home. |
No specific comments made. |
5.17 If I live in a care home, I can control the lighting, ventilation, heating and security of my bedroom. |
5.18 If I live in a care home, I can decide on the decoration, furnishing and layout of my bedroom, including bringing my own furniture where possible. |
Responsive care and support |
5.19 The premises I use are designed, adapted, equipped and furnished with my care and support needs in mind. |
Wellbeing |
5.20 I experience a secure and safe environment that is suitable for me. |
5.21 My environment is relaxed, welcoming, peaceful and free from avoidable and intrusive noise and smells. |
5.22 I can enjoy a pleasant environment, with plenty of natural light, fresh air, space and a comfortable temperature for me. |
5.23 I have enough physical space to meet my needs and wishes. |
5.24 I am able to access a range of good quality equipment and furnishings to meet my assessed needs, wishes and choices. |
5.25 I am able to participate in a variety of creative and physical activities, including exercise both indoors and outdoors. |
5.26 If I am an adult living in a care home, I have my own bedroom that meets my needs. |
5.27 If I am an adult living in a care home, I can choose to live with and share a bedroom with my partner, relative or close friend. |
5.28 As a child or young person, I might need or want to share my bedroom with someone else and I am involved in deciding this. |
5.29 If I experience 24-hour are, I have a bedside cabinet and light and there is enough space for me to sit comfortably with a visitor in my bedroom. |
5.30 If I live in a care home and I want to keep a pet, the service will try to accommodate this request. |
Table 6
Detailed comments relating to individual descriptive statements supporting Standard 6
Statement |
Detailed comments |
Dignity and respect |
6.1 I experience my human rights being protected when my liberty is restricted and this complies with the relevant legislation. |
6.2 I am helped to understand how and why my behaviour affects my rights, including the use of any physical intervention, sanctions or incentives. |
6.3 I only experience restraint as a last resort and for the minimum time necessary by people who are properly trained. |
This statement attracted more comment than others.
6.4 I will only be searched if there are clearly identified concerns and I am told what these are. |
6.5 If I am restrained or searched, this will be carried out sensitively. |
Compassion |
6.6 I am supported by people who anticipate challenges with my or others' behaviour and they work creatively to help manage this. |
Be included |
6.7 I can be with my peers, including other people who use the service, except where this has been properly assessed as unsafe. |
Wellbeing |
6.8 The environment is specially designed and managed to minimise the risk of me harming myself or others. |
Table 7
Detailed comments relating to individual descriptive statements supporting Standard 7
Statement |
Detailed comments |
Dignity and respect |
7.1 I am cared for by people who are ambitious for me, champion my needs and enhance my life chances. |
Compassion |
7.2 I live in a place that feels like a home and I am supported and cared for by people who make me feel valued, special, loved and safe. |
7.3 I am supported to develop a positive view of myself and to form and sustain trusted and secure relationships. |
There were no specific comments about this statement. |
7.4 I am supported and cared for by people who are fully informed about my history and understand what I am communicating. |
7.5 I am helped to overcome any previous experiences of trauma and neglect so I am emotionally resilient and have a strong sense of my own identity and belonging. |
7.6 I am responded to with sensitivity and the people who support and care for me anticipate and reduce any conflict, with difficulties sorted out in a low-key way. |
7.7 I am helped by the people who support and care for me to understand the consequences of any difficult or unsafe behaviour and I am supported to take responsibility to change this. |
There were no specific comments about this statement. |
7.8 I have as normal an upbringing as possible and I am helped by the people who support and care for me to achieve this. |
Be included |
7.9 I am encouraged and supported to make friends with people my own age. |
7.10 I am helped to understand decisions taken in my best interests and why sometimes it might not be possible to act on my wishes. |
7.11 I am fully included in all aspects of family life if I am fostered. |
Responsive care and support |
7.12 My needs and wishes are assessed in good time and an assessment for a permanent placement is done within 12 weeks. |
7.13 My need for permanent care and support is assessed and met. |
7.14 I experience stable care and support with minimum disruption, from people who can nurture and form strong attachments with me. |
7.15 If I need and want this, I am placed with wider family members (kinship care) alongside my brothers and sisters where possible and where it is safe. |
There were no specific comments about this statement. |
7.16 People making decisions about me, including fostering and adoption panel chairs and advisers, know me and have the right skills, training and experience to decide what's best for me. |
7.17 I am supported to have safe contact and continuity of relationships with family and people who are important to me by people who understand the importance of maintaining attachments. |
7.18 I continue to be supported and cared for into adulthood. |
7.19 I experience different organisations working together for my benefit. |
Wellbeing |
7.20 I am supported to achieve my potential in education and employment. |
7.21 I am supported to develop my independence while protecting myself from unsafe situations. |
There were no specific comments about this statement. |
7.22 I am supported to become increasingly safe from neglect, abuse, grooming and sexual exploitation, self-harm, bullying, misuse of drugs or alcohol and going missing. |
7.23 I am supported by people who seek to understand why I have been missing and work with me to minimise future risks. |
7.24 If I go missing, people take urgent action to protect me, including looking for me and liaising with the police and other agencies, and my family. |
Email: Chris Taylor
Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit
The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road
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