
New national public health body 'Public Health Scotland': consultation

This consultation document invites views on the proposals for a new national public health body in Scotland, to be known as ‘Public Health Scotland’.

Chapter 11: Funding the model for public health in Scotland

1. In relation to the structural arrangements for public health, the Scottish Government is continuing to assess this but will work to the principle that funding will follow function. That is to say that where a new function is created or existing function moved, existing funding resources will be moved in line with this. NHS Scotland is responsible for a budget of around £13 billion per year (£5.8 billion of which is delegated to the Integrated Joint Boards), approximately 156,000 staff and provides services to a population of around 5.5 million. Of that, Public Health Scotland will be responsible for functions that are currently funded by a core recurring budget of around £40m and a significant non-core, recurring budget of £20m (subject to demand). It is estimated that there will be approximately 1,100 members of staff within Public Health Scotland.

2. There will be start-up costs associated with establishing Public Health Scotland and its Board. These are being met by Scottish Government. Costs will be kept to a minimum and will be detailed within the policy note as part of the legislative process.



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