
Social housing net zero standard consultation: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment for the consultation on a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard in Scotland.


1. Islands (Scotland) Act 2018, the Scottish Parliament, 30 May 2018.

2. Island Communities Impact Assessments: guidance and toolkit, the Scottish Government, 23 December 2020.

3. Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing Review Group: terms of reference

4. Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 - Section 1A

5. 'Polluting heating systems' refer to heating systems which burn fossil fuels like gas boilers, oil boilers and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) boilers and bioenergy heating systems (e.g. those which use wood chips or other types of biomass or bioliquid (such as hydrotreated vegetable oil) also produce emissions when used to heat our homes – although there will be circumstances where these remain permissible).

6. National Islands Plan, the Scottish Government, 27 December 2019.

7. 2021 SHCS statistics were published in May 2023 at Scottish House Condition Survey: 2021 Key Findings, however these results should not be compared with those for previous or future years owing to methodological limitations arising from data collection constraints at the time. The lack of SHCS data for 2020 and the enforced changes for 2021 cause issues with the production of local authority estimates from the SHCS, which requires three consecutive years of survey data to be combined to provide a three-year average.

8. The cost of remoteness - reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty: research report – Scottish Government, September 2021

9. A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland: A Policy Update, Loughborough University's Centre for Research in Social Policy and Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE), October 2016.

10. Scottish House Condition Survey: Local Authority Analysis 2017-2019

11. Small Islands Energy System Overview, HIE, April 2020.

12. Heat in buildings: Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing Review Group



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