
Social housing net zero standard consultation: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment for the consultation on a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard in Scotland.

Step Two – Gather your data and identify your stakeholders

18. This impact assessment draws on an evidence-gathering exercise conducted in 2021 for the ICIA for an earlier policy, the Heat in Buildings Strategy. This strategy set out a pathway to zero emissions buildings by 2045 and details a series of near-term actions to put us on a clear path towards this, as well as a range of further, longer-term commitments to accelerate the transformation of the nation's building stock.

19. The proposals being consulted on for the new Social Housing Net Zero Standard follow on from the commitments made in the Heat in Buildings Strategy and as a result, the evidence gathered at that time remains relevant. Furthermore, as this evidence base was informed by a sustained process of engagement with energy consumers, including island residents and stakeholder organisations, the data gathering for the Heat in Buildings Strategy remains an invaluable resource in shedding light on the challenges and opportunities for island communities in regards to these policies.



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