
Patient Safety Commissioner role for Scotland: consultation

This paper seeks views on what the Patient Safety Commissioner role should look like; who it should report to; and how the role should interact with existing legislation and policies, as well as with the various organisations involved in providing and improving health and care services in Scotland.

Chapter 6: Impact assessments

As we develop proposals for a Patient Safety Commissioner role for Scotland we will be carrying out impact assessments.  

The aim of these assessments is to identify issues which may affect some groups more than others, and to consider how we might deal with these issues.  For example, some people could find it challenging to access the Patient Safety Commissioner, or to get information about the support they provide, due to a language or communication barrier.

Question 12: What are your views on how creating a Patient Safety Commissioner might affect the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, and sex? 

Please give your response in the box below. Please be as specific as you can, and include any resources or references to evidence on this topic that we should consider.

Question 13: The Fairer Scotland Duty places a legal responsibility on certain public bodies in Scotland to actively consider how they can reduce inequalities caused mainly by people's financial situation.  What are your views on how having a Patient Safety Commissioner might affect this inequality?

Please give your response in the box below. Please be as specific as you can, and include any resources or references to evidence on this topic that we should consider.

Question 14: If you live in an Island Community, what are your views on how having a Patient Safety Commissioner might affect access to safe, high‑quality public services where you live?

Please give your response in the box below. Please be as specific as you can, and include any resources or references to evidence on this topic that we should consider.

Question 15: What are your views on how having a Patient Safety Commissioner might affect respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of children and young people as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?

Please give your response in the box below. Please be as specific as you can, and include any resources or references to evidence on this topic that we should consider.



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