Practical fire safety for existing specialised housing and similar premises: consultation analysis

An analysis of the responses received to the public consultation on practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing and similar premises.

(ii) Scope of the Guidance

4. Are there other premises that the Guidance could usefully apply to in addition to those stated?

Many respondents (24/38) did not feel the Guidance could apply to other premises. Here, it should be noted that few respondents answering "yes" or "no" gave any further comment. Therefore, only those further comments which were provided by at least two respondents are highlighted below.

Other premises suggested were student accommodation (two advice agencies), and further clarifying the definition of "small domestic care homes" (one advice agency, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service). In addition, homeless shelters and any type of accommodation where some residents may not have the physical or mental capabilities to follow fire safety procedures were suggested.

5. Are there premises that the Guidance currently includes in scope, that it does not usefully apply to?

Most (31/38) respondents answered "No". This includes all advice agencies and housing associations as well as seven local authorities. The local authority answering "yes" was more concerned with clarifying definitions of premises than pointing out premises which should not be in scope. No further details were provided.

One individual pointed out that council tenancy agreements do not reflect levels of support required by a resident. This may blur the lines between Specialised Housing and other housing types.

6. In your view, will this Guidance be useful for vulnerable people receiving care services in general needs housing, and their families and carers?

Most (29/38) confirmed that the guidance would be useful. Seven local authority housing providers said the Guidance covers the assistance requirements that some vulnerable people may have in the event of fire. One local authority, an advice agency, a care provider and a Consultant/contractor carrying out fire safety risk assessments emphasised that the Guidance may require specialist and technical knowledge. It was suggested that the Appendices could be summarised in a separate booklet.



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