
Practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing and other supported domestic accommodation: consultation

We are gathering views on draft Fire Safety Guidance for Specialised Housing (and other supported domestic accommodation). We will use the responses to further develop and refine the guidance.

Background Information

The Scottish Government established the Ministerial Working Group on Building and Fire Safety following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in June 2017. This set up the Review of the Fire Safety Regime in Scotland for High Rise Domestic Buildings (the Review) to focus on the fire safety regime and regulatory framework. The Review report can be found at:  

The Review identified that there are no major gaps in Scottish legislation. It did highlight some areas where improvements could be made to support and clarify existing guidance and legislation and made the following six Recommendations:  : 

1. Specific Fire Safety Guidance aimed at all residents of high rise domestic buildings. 
2. Introduction of Scottish Guidance concerning “Fire Safety in purpose-built block of flats”.
3. Introduction of Scottish Guidance concerning Fire Risk Assessments.
4. A consistent position regarding the storage, removal and enforced prohibition of combustible materials in common areas to be devised and agreed by all relevant stakeholders.
5. A Fire Safety campaign relative to common areas.
6. Introduction of Scottish guidance concerning “Fire Safety in specialised housing”.

In this consultation we are seeking views on Recommendation 6.  The other 5 recommendations have already been subject to a public consultation process.  

How do I get involved?

To give us your views, please click This consultation is open from 31 July 2019 and closes on 23 October 2019. You can submit a response any time before the closing date.  

Am I restricted to answering the questions in the consultation?

No, there are free text boxes in the consultation document which allow you to tell us anything that you believe is important. 



Read the draft guidance

Practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing and other supported domestic accommodation

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