
Practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing and other supported domestic accommodation: consultation

We are gathering views on draft Fire Safety Guidance for Specialised Housing (and other supported domestic accommodation). We will use the responses to further develop and refine the guidance.

Practical Fire Safety Guidance for existing Specialised Housing (and other supported domestic accommodation)

We would very much like your thoughts and comments on the draft Practical Fire Safety Guidance for existing Specialised Housing (and other supported domestic accommodation) (the Guidance). It is intended to provide consistent, easily accessible fire safety guidance. 

For most domestic premises to which the guidance applies, it is ‘good practice’ advice and not a legal requirement. The Guidance gives further information on those domestic type premises to which fire safety law does apply for example, small, domestic care homes, licensed Houses in Multiple Occupation and some other forms of supported housing.  

While there are no plans to extend the range of premises covered by fire safety legislation, we will consider making it a legal requirement if further support is needed.  This will be done in part by monitoring and evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of the Guidance.   

Who is this Guidance for?

The Guidance can help everyone to be clear on what is needed for fire safety in specialised housing and other supported domestic accommodation.  This includes premises that are council, housing association or privately owned/rented. It is primarily to be used by people that provide the housing or care/support services, and those regulators who ensure resident and tenant safety is adequately addressed. 

Please read the Fire Safety Guidance before answering the questions in this section. They ask about the Purpose, Clarity and Implementation of the Guidance. The findings from the consultation will improve the Guidance and inform implementation. 

Consultation Questions

Please keep in mind when answering, that this Guidance is intended primarily for those that provide housing and care/support services, although it may also be useful to individuals receiving such support and their family and carers. Please answer as many questions as you can but you do not need to respond to them all.

(i) General Questions on Guidance 

1. Is Fire Safety Guidance for Specialised Housing required in your view? 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and let us know why in the box below.

2. Is the purpose of the Fire Safety Guidance for Specialised Housing clear?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

3. Is it clear who should use the Guidance? 

(See the Preface section of the Guidance – Who is the Guidance For?)

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

(ii) Scope of the Guidance

For the following questions, please see Scope section in the Guidance.

4. Are there other premises that the Guidance could usefully apply to in addition to those stated?  Please select only one answer

Yes  ☐

No ☐

If yes...

Please tell us what type of premises in the box below.

5. Are there premises that the Guidance currently includes in scope, that it does not usefully apply to?  Please select only one answer

Yes  ☐

No ☐

If yes...

Please tell us what type of premises in the box below.

6. In your view, will this Guidance be useful for vulnerable people receiving care services in general needs housing, and their families and carers? 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

(iii) Fire Safety Content

7. Are the  “person-centred” and “premises-based” approaches helpful in assessing fire safety requirements?

(See Preface – Structure of the Guidance; and Parts 1 and 2) 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

8. Do you think the range of fire safety measures and benchmarks identified in Parts 1 and 2 of the Guidance are helpful? 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

9. Is it clear in the Guidance which premises are legally required to undertake a fire safety risk assessment under existing fire safety legislation?

(See Preface – Fire Safety Law; and Part 4) 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

10. Do you think the Guidance clearly points the reader towards other existing guidance where appropriate? 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

11. Do you think the Appendices are useful? 

Appendix 1 Example of Fire Safety Advice for Residents

Yes  ☐

No ☐

Appendix 2 Example of Fire Action Notices

Yes  ☐

No ☐

Appendix 3 Person-Centred FSRA Template

Yes ☐

No ☐

Appendix 4 Examples of Assistive Technology Options

Yes  ☐

No ☐

Appendix 5 Fire Safety Risk Assessment Template

Yes  ☐

No ☐

Appendix 6 Matrix of Responsibilities

Yes  ☐

No ☐

Appendix 7 Mobility Scooter Guidance

Yes  ☐

No ☐

Please provide any comments and reasons

12. Is there anything missing from the Guidance or further information that should be included? 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

13. Is there anything further you think should be done to improve fire safety risk assessments in Specialised Housing or their impact?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

(iv) Guidance Accessibility and Clarity

14. Do you find this Guidance straightforward to use? 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

15. Do you think the content is clear and easy to understand?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

16. Can you suggest ways to let people know this Guidance is available once it is published? 

(v) Potential Benefits and Costs 

The following questions are on the possible benefits and costs associated with applying the Guidance.  It may be that these are already being met in part or fully.  This section is mainly relevant for organisations responding to the consultation and it would be helpful if you could answer them as fully as possible. 

17. Do you have data on the number of people/premises you work with that this Guidance will apply to?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

If yes, how many: 

People  ☐

Premises ☐

If you answer “yes” to Questions 18 – 21 below, please provide further detail in Question 22:

18. Are you able to provide data on the proportion of premises that you think already have appropriate fire safety measures, taking into account the Guidance?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

19. If no data is available, are you able to provide estimates on the proportion of premises that you think already have appropriate fire safety measures, taking into account the Guidance?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

20. Are you able to provide data on the proportion of people receiving support/care that you think already have appropriate fire safety measures, taking into account the Guidance?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

21. Are you able to provide estimates on the proportion of people receiving support/care that you think already have appropriate fire safety measures, taking into account the Guidance?

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

If yes to any of questions 18-21 please answer the following:

22. Proportion of premises that have appropriate fire safety measures, taking into account the Guidance:

Based on data:

Less than 50% ☐
50%- 75% ☐
76%-100% ☐
Not applicable ☐
Don’t Know ☐

Less than 50% ☐
50%- 75% ☐
76%-100% ☐
Not applicable ☐
Don’t Know ☐

Based on Estimates:

Less than 50% ☐
50%- 75% ☐
76%-100% ☐
Not applicable ☐
Don’t Know ☐

Less than 50% ☐
50%- 75% ☐
76%-100% ☐
Not applicable ☐
Don’t Know ☐

23. Please provide further information on the number of people or premises that will need additional fire safety measures as a result of applying the Guidance?

24. What are the anticipated benefits, including financial, from implementing the Guidance?

25. Please provide information on the types of improvements you anticipate will be needed? It would be useful to know whether these are person-centred or premises based and whether they are basic measures e.g. smokers apron / self-closing device or more significant e.g. individual fire suppressions systems / separation of roof spaces.

26. What other costs will be incurred in applying the Guidance

27. Do you have access to funding sources currently to improve fire safety in specialised housing e.g. from Community Safety Partnerships 

Yes  ☐

No  ☐

Please state what these sources are:

(vi) Impact Assessments



Read the draft guidance

Practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing and other supported domestic accommodation

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