
Consultation on the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

This consultation seeks views on a range of actions in relation to the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy in Scotland


The Strategy will be overseen jointly by the Children and Young People and Public Health Minister and Public Health Minister [tbc].

Independent Advisory Group for the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

The Independent Advisory Group will consists of key individuals from across organisations and sectors who may have a role in delivering the strategy, academic interest and/or have an interest in decreasing inequality in young people. This will champion the Strategy and encourage work in this area. The Group will submit an annual report to the Minister (and be available to the public) on their views on the implementation progress of the Strategy, highlighting issues that require particular Ministerial attention. The English Teenage Pregnancy Strategy had a similar group which was reported as a particular strength of the English Strategy.

National Lead for Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People

The Scottish Government's National Lead for the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy will provide national strategic leadership in the implementation of the Strategy. The Lead will have policy experience; will be experienced academically and engaged with the evidence; able to provide the national link across Scotland as well as providing advice and updates to Ministers on progress, both locally and nationally. The National Lead will be responsible for the delivery of the strategy, engaging with local and national organisations, ensuring the consideration of up to date evidence and policy, monitoring and reacting to progress and enabling sharing of experience and best practice across Scotland.

As committed in its response to the Scottish Parliament's Health and Sport Committee, following publication of the Strategy the National Lead will provide an annual update to the Scottish Parliament on progress against the strategy. This update will also be an opportunity to consider any new or updated evidence (academic or practice based), ensuring a Strategy that is continually up to date and relevant.




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