

Consultation document on Priority Marine Features

2. Background

2.1 There are a number of species and habitats lists which have been developed at a Scottish, UK and international level with the purpose of directing nature conservation action. These include lists in EC Directives, domestic legislation, Biodiversity Action Plans and the OSPAR list of threatened or declining habitats and species. The concept of Priority Marine Features is not intended to replace these lists but provides a new focus for marine conservation activities across the three pillar approach.

2.2 The list will be used to support advice on marine biodiversity, guide future research priorities and help deliver marine planning and licensing systems set out in the Marine (Scotland) Act which delivered new powers to protect other habitats and species of national and international importance. For example, a subset of the PMFs, are being used to support the selection of a network of Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas ( MPAs) as outlined in the Scottish MPA Selection Guidelines. The Marine Protected Areas proposals, also being consulted on, are designed to offer protection to many of these features.

How was the PMFs list developed?

2.3 To produce the recommended list of PMFs in Scotland's seas (Tables 1- 3 ), species and habitats on existing conservation registers were assessed against criteria that considered whether a significant proportion of their population occur in Scotland's seas, whether they are under threat or in decline, and what functional role they play. All the features which have passed the criteria are considered important components of the biodiversity of Scottish seas and should be prioritised for conservation action.

2.4 Various marine and taxonomic specialists were consulted throughout development of the recommended PMF list and an external review of the overall process was completed by an independent expert. A targeted peer review of the draft list, and evidence behind it has also been undertaken.

2.5 Further detail on the processes followed to identify PMFs in Scotland's seas is available through reports published by SNH and JNCC .

2.6 Until the final list has been formally adopted, PMFs represent a prioritised list of marine habitats and species of conservation importance in Scotland's seas, and should be taken account of in Environmental Statements and through relevant licensing/consenting decisions.

2.7 We seek your comments on the recommended species and habitats to be included as Priority Marine Features in Scotland's seas. The recommended list of Priority Marine Features in Scotland's seas is presented in Annex A. It is intended that the PMFs list will be used to target future marine conservation action based on the three pillar (sites, species and wider seas measures) approach, and will seek to focus action for the benefit of a range of features.

Q1. Do you agree with the recommended list of Priority Marine Features as the basis for targeting future marine conservation action in Scotland's seas?

2.8 If your response includes a suggestion to amend the list, please indicate the specific species and habitats that your comments apply to and, where possible, provide or reference any evidence or data sources which have influenced your comments. Amendments to the list will be considered where there is a scientific basis for the proposed change.

Q2. Are there other issues that have not been highlighted in this consultation that you would like to mention?


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