Fishing vessels - economic link licence condition amendment proposals consultation: outcome report

Provides an analysis of responses and outcome to the seeking views on proposed amendments to the economic link licence condition contained in all Scottish over 10 metre vessel sea fisheries licences. It sets out the changes to be introduced from 1 January 2023.


1. Consultation on a proposal to amend the economic link licence condition - Scottish Government - Citizen Space

2. Producer Organisations are officially recognised bodies set up at the initiative of fishery (or aquaculture) producers. They play an essential role in reducing the fragmentation of the fisheries sector, collectively managing the activities of their members, promoting sustainable fishing, and matching supplies with market demands.

3. Assessing the impact of the Scottish Landings Target and possible alternatives, 2017, Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management. Available here: Response 315162220 to Consultation on a proposal to amend the economic link licence condition - Scottish Government - Citizen Space

4. pb13771-fish-concordat.pdf (

5. A review of the effectiveness of the Economic Link, 2009, Vivid Economics

6. "Leasing" or "swapping" quota is where fishers engage with holders of sea fish quota to obtain that fishing opportunity. There is usually a cost in conducting such exchanges either financially or in alternative fishing opportunity.

7. This is calculated by using Poseidon's produced appendix, using sales notes prices throughout. It calculates the diverted value (from Norway to Scotland) by taking the diverted landing volume presented and multiplying it by the price fetched in Scotland to sum to a diverted value. For the value affected, these are taken direct from Poseidon, and sum to £77m, hence £4.1m/£77m=5%.

8. Based on landings of key species (see Scottish Government response to question 3 for further details of key species).

9. The landing obligation is a legal requirement which prohibits commercial fishing vessels from returning any quota species of any size to the sea once caught. This includes slipping or discarding the catch. Once caught, all quota species must be landed and counted against quota, unless subject to a high survivability or de minimis exemption.

10. Marine and fisheries grants - (

11. Supporting documents - A Blue Economy Vision for Scotland - (

12. Recovery Plan | Scotland Food and Drink

13. More information on the Seafood Scotland is available here: Welcome to Seafood Scotland | Business Development Service in Scotland

14. More information on the association is available here: Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | SPPA | Pelagics (

15. Summary of responses and government response - GOV.UK (

16. Fisheries Act 2020 (

17. Apportioned on an equal basis to all eligible vessels means that vessels within the different fleet segments, which complied with the economic link landings target provision, would be allocated quota on an equal basis. However, the stocks and quantities allocated to the different fleet segments would likely vary. So all eligible non-sector 10 mu vessels would receive the same allocation; all eligible pelagic sectoral vessels receive the same allocation but the tonnage available to different groupings would vary.



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