
Permitted development rights - phase 1 priority development types: consultation

Consultation on draft proposals for changes and extensions to Permitted Development Rights (PDR) in Scotland for the priority development types selected for inclusion in Phase 1 of our programme. Consultation closes on 12 November 2020.

Annex D: Children's Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

CRWIA Stage 1

Screening - key questions

(Hyperlink will only work within SG)

1. Name the policy, and describe its overall aims. Changes to the General Permitted Development Order.

In November 2019 we consulted on a proposed work programme for substantially

reviewing and extending Permitted Development Rights in Scotland along with the Sustainability Appraisal undertaken by consultants to inform the work. The consultation paper together with responses received are available to view at this link

The Sustainability Appraisal considered the scope for reviewing permitted development rights for 16 separate development types, and provided an assessment of expected benefits that could be realised by extending PDR, as well as any disadvantages.

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in our work programmed being reprioritised to support our recovery from the pandemic. There are 4 key areas we intend to initially take forward:

  • Agriculture
  • Digital
  • Active Travel
  • Peatland Restoration

2. What aspects of the policy/measure will affect children and young people up to the age of 18?

It is expected that the proposed changes to the permitted development rights for agriculture and peatland restoration will have minimal impact on children and young people and it is expected that there will be positive impacts from the proposed changes to active travel and digital infrastructure permitted development rights.

The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that digital technology infrastructure is vital to ensuring people can continue to work and learn if restrictions are put in place to limit physical movement. However, where people are required to move around it has also been clear that current infrastructure does not support this movement in a way in which physical distancing can be observed. During the time when lockdown restrictions were in place the numbers of people walking, cycling and running increased. This lead to many Local Authorities investigating ways to ensure that appropriate space was afforded to pedestrians and cyclists to enable them to exercise and move around in a safe environment.

Extending the range of developments which don't require submission of a planning application provides that changes to infrastructure can be progressed more simply. By extending the size and type of digital technology infrastructure which benefits from PD means that equipment can be installed, increasing capacity and availability as well as allowing providers to upgrade their equipment, with newer more powerful models as technology progresses, in a more responsive manner.

By extending the range of developments which can be carried out without the need for a planning application for active travel can be positive for children and young people by improving the available infrastructure to make walking and cycling a more attractive mode of transport.

3. What likely impact – direct or indirect – will the policy/measure have on children and young people?

We believe that the changes which are proposed will only indirectly affect young people. However, we believe that these impacts will be positive by creating the conditions in which provision of digital communication infrastructure can be improved and be more responsive to changes in demand and technology and providing safe and secure cycling infrastructure. We consider that these changes will be of benefit to everyone although the benefits to children and young people include having improved access to good quality digital communication signals. With regards to cycling infrastructure this could be of particular benefit as children and young people have fewer options when it comes to transport and the storage of bikes can be a challenge for those who do not have access to a back garden or live above the first floor of a building where bikes may need to be carried up stairs.

4. Which groups of children and young people will be affected?

The EQIA which has been prepared for these proposals highlight where particular positive impacts have been identified and it is considered that the impacts which are relevant irrespective of the age of the person.

5. Will this require a CRWIA?

We do not consider that a Children's Rights and Welfare Impact Assessment is required. With regards to digital infrastructure these changes create the conditions that should lead to improved digital connectivity across Scotland providing faster and more reliable connections allowing children and young people to connect for learning, work and socially.

With regards to active travel these changes should allow businesses and authorities to put in place improved provision for cycle parking as well as making it easier for residents to install easily accessible storage solutions for bikes on their property. These changes should help encourage greater use of active travel options as these are particularly the only options available to children and young people.

CRWIA Declaration

CRWIA required


CRWIA not required


Policy lead

Neil Langhorn
Development Delivery
Planning and Architecture Division
Local Government and Communities

24th September 2020

Deputy Director or equivalent

John McNairney
Chief Planner and Deputy Director
Planning and Architecture Division
Local Government and Communities

25th September 2020



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