
Permitted development rights - phase 1 priority development types: consultation

Consultation on draft proposals for changes and extensions to Permitted Development Rights (PDR) in Scotland for the priority development types selected for inclusion in Phase 1 of our programme. Consultation closes on 12 November 2020.

Annex E: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

Assessment not required Declaration

Policy title

General Permitted Development Order

Directorate: Division: team

Local Government and Communities: Planning and Architecture: Development Delivery

Policy lead responsible for taking the decision

Neil Langhorn

Rationale for decision

It is considered that changes to specific categories of development within the General permitted Development Order do not amount to making a Strategic Change to Policy. In most cases which are proposed permitted development rights are already in place such as for agriculture, active travel and digital communications. The Restoration of Peatlands is being added as a new category of development however, it is not considered that this qualifies as a strategic decision requiring the completion of the Fairer Scotland Duty. The Permitted Development rights which are being proposed only permit certain types of development in certain circumstances and for developments which do not meet these requirements then an application for full planning permission will be required.

Where impacts have been identified in other impact assessments these have been positive, however we will highlight and invite comment on the consultation proposals from equality groups to ensure that they have the opportunity to raise any concerns or highlight additional benefits.

I confirm that the decision to not carry out a Fairer Scotland assessment has been authorised by:

Name and job title of Deputy Director (or equivalent)

John McNairney, Chief Planner and Deputy Director

Date authorisation given

25th September 2020



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