
Better environmental regulation programme - integrated authorisation framework: consultation responses

Analysis of responses to a consultation on the Better environmental regulation programme's proposals for an integrated authorisation framework.

1. Overview of responses

In January 2017, we consulted on proposals for the creation of an integrated authorisation framework. This new integrated authorisation framework will be delivered through regulations made under section 18 of the Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.

The aim of the framework is to integrate, as far as the relevant European Directives allow, the authorisation, procedural and enforcement arrangements relating to water, waste, radioactive substances and pollution prevention and control.

The new framework will help SEPA to deliver proportionate, joined up, outcome focused regulation that significantly simplifies the regulatory landscape and reduces the regulatory burden for operators.

The consultation ran from 12 January until 12 April 2017. We received 61 formal responses. A number of comments were also received, and we have taken these into account in developing our way forward.

A summary of the responses and key comments is presented below. A full list of yes/no responses by question can be found at Annex A.


Email: Joyce Carr,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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