Independent national (Whistleblowing) officer (INO): consultation responses

Analysis of responses to the consultation on proposals for the introduction of the role of an Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INO).

Annex: List of Respondents

NHSScotland Territorial and Special Boards

NHS Ayrshire and Arran
NHS Borders
NHS Education for Scotland
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
NHS Lothian
NHS National Services Scotland
Scottish Ambulance Service

Professional Body/Staffside Representatives

BMA Scotland
General Medical Council
General Pharmaceutical Council
Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists
Royal College of Midwives Scotland
Royal College of Nursing Scotland
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Regulatory/Scrutiny Bodies

Care Inspectorate
Health and Safety Executive
Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social care

Other Public Bodies

East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
Scottish Social Services Council

Local Authorities

Glasgow City Council
Perth and Kinross Council

Legal Bodies

Law Society of Scotland
Thompsons Solicitors and Solicitor Advocates
Other Organisations
Action for a Safe and Accountable People's NHS
NHS Grampian Area Medical Committee
NHS Tayside Whistleblowing Policy Group
Public Concern at Work


27 individuals

How to access background or source data

☐ The responses to this consultation are available via the Scottish Government consultation hub


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