Independent national (Whistleblowing) officer (INO): consultation responses

Analysis of responses to the consultation on proposals for the introduction of the role of an Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INO).

8. INO title


The Scottish Government considers it important to give the INO a clear title that signposts its functions to staff. Various suggestions have been made for the role.

If the role is to be extended to those staff not employed by NHSScotland who deliver health and social care services then the title will need to reflect these circumstances.

Question 6: What do you feel would be an appropriate title for the INO in Scotland?

42 respondents addressed this question with most proposing an appropriate title for the INO in Scotland and others providing their view on words and phrases which they considered should be included in or excluded from the title. Overall there was an emphasis on ensuring the title reflected the purpose of the INO role and was readily understood.

The most frequently nominated title for the INO in Scotland was "Independent National Whistleblowing Officer for NHSScotland" with 14 respondents across five different respondent categories identifying this as their preferred title. The second most favoured title was, "NHSScotland's Whistleblowing Ombudsman". Table 8.1 summarises proposals for the title which received more than one nomination.

Table 8.1: Summary of proposals for an appropriate title for the INO in Scotland


No. of respondents

Independent National Whistleblowing Officer for NHSScotland


NHSScotland's Whistleblowing Ombudsman


NHSScotland's Independent National Officer


Independent National Officer


Scotland's Health and Social Care Whistleblowing Ombudsman


Contrasting views emerged on whether or not the word "whistleblowing" should be in the title. Whereas a few respondents considered it to have negative connotations, others welcomed the word as promoting clarity of purpose. A few respondents supported explicitly the word "independent" in the title, with "Ombudsman" also seen as having merit in terms of promoting confidence in the investigation process.

Question 6a: What do you feel would be an appropriate title for the INO in Scotland if the role also covered staff not employed by NHSScotland who deliver health and social care services in Scotland?

37 respondents addressed this question with 11 identifying their response to question 6 as their preferred title, largely where their previous suggestion had not referred specifically to NHSScotland.

12 respondents recommended inserting some reference to "health and social care" into the title for the INO if the role covered staff not employed by NHSScotland but who deliver health and social care services. Two respondents suggested dropping the reference to "NHSScotland" from their previous proposal for the INO title.

A few respondents proposed that the word "Guardian" be included in the INO title, including Public Concern at Work which suggested: "NHSScotland Whistleblowing Guardian (Health and Social Care)" or "Scotland's Whistleblowing Guardian for Health and Social Care" amongst its proposals for the title.

Two new proposals made in response to this question were: "Scotland's Concerns Ombudsman (Reporting & Enforcement)" (Individual respondent); and "Independent Investigatory Officer Health and Social Care" (Royal College of Midwives Scotland).


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