
Consultation on the proposed introduction of new statutory scallop fishing management measures

Consultation seeking views on proposed regulations covering dredging for scallops in Scottish waters and the minimum landing size for scallops.


1.1 This consultation seeks views on the proposed introduction of new statutory management measures for the Scottish scallop sector with the intention of safeguarding scallop stocks, securing future fishing opportunities for the scallop fleet and moving to more closely aligned measures between Scotland and England. It is believed the proposed measures will benefit what can be a highly nomadic fleet, help to reduce costs and deliver simplification and standardisation of management measures.

1.2 The intention is that future management measures would be put in place subject to this consultation. The measures would apply to Scottish and British fishing vessels. The consultation will last for 12 weeks commencing on 23 January 2012 with a deadline of 16 April for responses.

1.3 The purpose of this consultation document is to seek the views of those with an interest in the Scottish scallop sector to inform Marine Scotland’s management proposals for the sector.


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