
Consultation on the proposed introduction of new statutory scallop fishing management measures

Consultation seeking views on proposed regulations covering dredging for scallops in Scottish waters and the minimum landing size for scallops.


2.1 What are we consulting about?

2.1.1 The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of stakeholders, fishermen’s associations and other relevant organisations, businesses and individuals with an interest in the Scottish scallop industry on the proposed introduction of new statutory management measures.

2.2 Why are we consulting?

2.2.1 To inform our management proposals.

2.3 Who might be affected by the proposals?

2.3.1 The scallop catching, processing and retail sectors and consumers of fish products.

2.4 What will be the financial impacts?

2.4.1 It is not envisaged that the new proposals will involve significant new public expenditure, regulatory costs or costs to industry .

2.5 How will the views be taken forward?

2.5.1 The views and suggestions provided in consultation responses will be analysed and used as part of the decision making process. Final decisions on the issues under consideration will also take account of a range of other factors, including any other available information and research evidence.

2.6 By when are comments requested?

2.6.1 Comments are requested by 16 April 2012.

2.7 What comments are requested?

2.7.1 The Scottish Government welcomes your comments on the proposals and your responses to the following questions taken from Chapter 3.

Question 1: Do you support the introduction of a flat rate 8 per side limit on dredges within the 12 nautical mile zone?

Question 2: Do you support the removal of restrictions on dredges outside 12 nautical miles of the Scottish coast?

Question 3: Do you support exempting from regulation, attachments to dredges whose purpose is to increase the safety and speed with which dredges can be handled?

Question 4: Would you support the introduction of a phased increase in the minimum landing size for scallops from 100mm to 105mm and then to 110mm?

Question 5: Do you agree that all scallops landed into Scotland and carried within the Scottish zone must comply with the Scottish minimum landing size?

We are inviting written responses to this consultation paper by 16 April 2012

Please send your completed response to:


Malcolm MacLeod

Marine Scotland
The Scottish Government
Area 1B
Victoria Quay

The Scottish Government may make the responses to this consultation paper available to the public and to the Scottish Parliament. We will acknowledge responses and may publish an analysis of the responses after the consultation. If you respond to this consultation you are requested to complete the enclosed responded information form attached. This will ensure that we handle your response appropriately.


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