Protective orders for people at risk of domestic abuse: consultation

Seeks views on proposals to create new protective orders to keep people at risk of domestic abuse safe by banning perpetrators from their homes.

Annex B: Time Taken to Deal With Application to Court for an Exclusion Order: Statistics From Scottish Legal Aid Board

The data below covers the last three years. The dates are from date of grant of legal aid to date of final account so the actual time in court is likely to be slightly less than shown.

The start date used is the earliest of

  • when work began where special urgency cover was used which doesn't need the Board's prior approval;
  • when the Board granted special urgency cover if the work was of a kind needing their prior approval;
  • the date legal aid was fully granted where no special urgency work was involved

The first table shows 65 cases split between Pursuer & Defender with 50 pursuers and 15 defenders.

The second table shows the duration split between cases where full legal aid has been used and where only special urgency work was done.

The third table covers pursuers who had a full grant of legal aid

Defender Pursuer Total
Applications 15 50 65
Percentage 23% 77% 100%
Average Case Length (months) 16 15 15
Full Grant Special Urgency Cover Only Total
Applications 52 13 65
Percentage 80% 20% 100%
Average Case Length (months) 18 5 15
  Number of Applications Percentage Average Case Length (months)
Up to 6 months 6 15% 4
6 to 12 months 11 27% 9
12 to 18 months 11 27% 15
18 to 24 months 6 15% 21
over 24 months 7 17% 43
Total 41 100% 17


Email: Patrick Down

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