
Consultation on the questionnaire content of the Scottish Health Survey

Consultation on the topics and questions included in the Scottish Health Survey, which will be used to inform the content of the survey from 2018 onwards.

Current questionnaire content

Each survey in the series includes a set of core questions and measurements (height and weight and, if applicable, blood pressure, waist circumference, urine and saliva samples), plus modules of questions on specific health conditions that vary from year to year. Each year, the core sample has also been augmented by an additional boosted sample for children. Since 2008, NHS Health Boards have also had the opportunity to boost the number of adult interviews carried out in their area.

Annex A outlines the topics included in the SHeS questionnaire in 2013 and 2014. This indicates whether each block of questions currently included in the survey is included in all interviews ('version A' and 'version B' households), only 'version A' interviews or only 'version B' interviews.

Currently, version A households account for around 65% of the core sample, excluding any boosts. At these households, the questionnaire includes all of the core questions and the questions included in the version A rotating module. In 2014, the topics included in the rotating module were: respiratory health, additional questions on asthma, barriers and motivations to exercise and a series of questions on eating habits for adults. In 2013, the topics included were: accidents, dental services; social capital, discrimination and harassment, and stress at work.

Version B households account for the remaining 35% approximately of the core sample. At these addresses, participants were asked all of the core questions during the main interview, with participating adults also eligible to complete the biological module.

Households included as part of health board boosts complete only the core questions.


Email: Julie Landsberg,

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