
Consultation on the questionnaire content of the Scottish Health Survey

Consultation on the topics and questions included in the Scottish Health Survey, which will be used to inform the content of the survey from 2018 onwards.

Consultation responses

The consultation questions are included in Annex D. Instructions on how to respond to the consultation are included in Annex B. The deadline for responses is Monday 17 th October 2016.

All responses will be analysed by the SHeS team to inform decisions taken on the future survey content.

Responses will be considered in relation to their policy relevance, degree of support across users, use for national monitoring of indicators or targets, availability from other sources, length of question, and whether questions have been previously tested. Information on frequency and breakdowns required will inform decisions on how frequently each question is included in the survey, and whether the question is asked of the full survey sample.

Annex E includes a scoring sheet which will be used when deciding whether proposed new questions are included in the survey.


Email: Julie Landsberg,

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