
Waste electrical and electronic equipment reform consultation: equalities impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) to support the consultation on reforming the UK producer responsibility system for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Recommendations and Conclusion

The evidence collated indicates that the proposed changes to the WEEE EPR system are not likely to have significant direct adverse impacts on those with protected characteristics provided communication requirements are carefully considered to ensure inclusiveness.

Greater access to services to return WEEE for reuse or recycling, such as via the introduction of kerbside services and online take-back will provide a positive impact to people with limited mobility or limited access to a vehicle.

It is also expected that improvements to communications will have a positive impact by ensuring individuals within the protected characteristic groups of Age, Disability and Race more fully understand opportunities for the recycling or reuse of WEEE.

This EQIA has been undertaken using the data and evidence available and gathered to date. However, as this is a preliminary and indicative assessment of the potential impacts, it will, in line with best practice be subject to further review and revision. It is our intention to use the upcoming UK-wide consultation period to undertake additional evidence building and stakeholder engagement. This will help to further test our findings and better understand any impacts that may occur. The outcome from these discussions will be included in an updated assessment to be published with our response to the consultation.

Sign off

David McPhee

Deputy Director Producer Responsibility Division

Date: 30 November 2023



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