
Digital communications infrastructure: planning consultation

Consultation on proposed changes to planning legislation on electronic communications infrastructure (e.g. masts, cabinets and antennas).


World class digital connectivity is vital to Scotland's economy and is a priority for the Scottish Government. A reliable and modern network is essential for business, in the delivery of public services, and in contributing to a low carbon environment. Digital connectivity takes on greater significance in Scotland, helping to address some of the disadvantages of physical distance between places and supporting strong, connected communities. Whilst telecommunications is a reserved matter for the UK Government, the Scottish Government has set out its ambition for the availability of world class digital connectivity across the country. Improved mobile connectivity is an integral part of delivering that ambition and we have been working closely with the UK mobile network operators. Operators have demonstrated a clear commitment to maximising mobile network coverage, but collectively we recognise that coverage gaps will still remain once commercial rollout is complete. We have committed to using the powers available to Scottish Ministers, including through the planning system, to improve the case for sustainable investment in all forms of digital infrastructure in Scotland. This is an issue in which we all have an interest - we would welcome your views on how best to achieve our ambitions.


Email: Alan Cameron

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