
Replacement for the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Post-EU Exit in Scotland: consultation report

Analysis of the findings of the consultation into the Replacement for the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Post-EU Exit in Scotland carried out between 5 November 2019 - 12 February 2020.


1. A further 195 individuals took part in the eight regional events. In all, 171 unique organisations contributed to the consultation process through either the online consultation or attendance at a regional event.

2. This includes the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP), including LEADER, and other programmes such as European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

3. The Scottish Government, Replacement of European Structural Funds post EU-Exit: consultation, 5th November 2019.

4. Ibid.

5. SPERI, British Political Economy Brief No. 24 UK Regions and European Structural and Investment Funds.

6. This report was finalised by in early April 2020.

7. Ivan McKee committed to this during his appearance at the Finance and Constitution Committee, 26 June 2019.

8. 8 The design and implementation of the consultation took place between November 2019 and February 2020.

9. Regional Policy in Scotland after Brexit Conference, Glasgow, 7th February 2020.

10. For example email or letter response to the Scottish Government.

11. For more information on NUTS Classifications. In the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes of the United Kingdom (UK) - there are three levels. In Scotland the levels are: NUTS1 (Scotland), NUTS2 (four large groups of council areas in Scotland - Eastern Scotland, South Western Scotland, North Eastern Scotland, Highlands and Islands), and NUTS3 (small groups of council areas or individual council areas in Scotland). See Appendix B for more information.

12. EKOS analysis based on details provided by 171 responses (not enough information for the remaining 23 attendees).

13. More information on SRDP

14. More information on the wellbeing economy.

15. Some points under Skills and Employability could also sit underneath Tackling Poverty and Reducing Inequalities.

16. For example, long-term unemployed, economically inactive, under-represented groups, those furthest from the labour market.

17. More information on Industry 4.0.

18. For example improving productivity through innovation, investment, internationalisation and skills.

19. Objectives are "SMART" if they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and, timely (or time-bound).

20. On behalf of Fife Employability and Training Consortium (Fife-ETC), Greener Kirkcaldy, Princes Trust, Fife Voluntary Action, Fife Gingerbread, BRAG Enterprises, Frontline Fife, Venture Trust, Furniture Plus, Springboard UK.

21. Becoming "optional in the new programming period.

22. ESF/ERDF (EUMIS), LEADER (LARCS) and EMFF. The key transnational programmes with which local authorities engage, namely INTERREG and Erasmus+ have different systems.

23. For example involving different expertise and perspectives, informing priorities, ensuring delivery is aligned).

24. For example, Regional Economic Partnerships, City Region and Growth Deal and locality partnerships.

25. Requirement for match-funding was applied on a flexible basis (e.g. higher intervention rates in more economically deprived areas).

26. This includes the application process, monitoring and reporting requirements, verification, claims process, audit and compliance.

27. This includes the application process, requirement for match-funding, monitoring and reporting requirements, evidence requirements, verification, payment and claims process, audit and compliance, and design and functionality of MIS.

28. Other points were mentioned, however, these have been reflected elsewhere throughout the report (e.g. flexibility in relation to match-funding, support for a transition process, retention of horizontal themes, additionality, etc).

29. These issues were covered in the online consultation.

30. RSE, The Replacement of European Structural Funds in Scotland: Discussion Report, February 2020.



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