
National review of care allowances: consultation report

This report provides the findings of a consultation exercise carried out as part of a national review of care allowances.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

The Scottish Government and partners are currently reviewing foster, kinship and adoption allowances and in particular, what the 'core allowance' that looked after children and young people in foster and kinship care could include.

The approach is centred on the needs of a child and their right to have the support they need to realise their potential. The allowance is separate from any fees or skills payments made to foster carers.

The supporting guidance on the Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 states that foster carers are charged with providing not just basic care but optimum care for looked after children. The Regulations sets out expectations that allowances should cover:

  • a healthy diet and good physical care;
  • opportunities for stimulation and exercise;
  • development of social skills and participation in activities in the community;
  • building self-esteem, including good presentation and acceptability by peers;
  • a safe and comfortable environment;
  • full inclusion in special celebrations such as birthdays, Christmas or other cultural or religious events; and
  • promoting and developing educational opportunities

Local authorities have a statutory duty to have clear and accessible policies to reflect foster and kinship allowances. These allowances should be able to meet the expectations detailed above.

Looked after children with disabilities and or additional support needs will receive the support and entitlements of any child with a disability or additional support need, and in line with Corporate Parenting legislation and guidance.


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