
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 section 38: consultation analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to our consultation on section 38 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 on the duty to notify and provide information about victims.




3. In Scotland.  A similar duty to notify is in force in England and Wales.

4. “Scottish public authority” means any public body (except the Parliamentary corporation), public office or holder of such an office whose functions (in each case) are exercisable only in or as regards Scotland in terms of section 126 (1) of the Scotland Act 1998.

5. There were only 11 responses to this question

6. It should be noted that due to internal restructuring Community Safety Glasgow TARA are now part of Glasgow City Council.

7. The network consists of Territorial Boards / Integration Authority Clinical & Managerial Leads.

8. Social workers, prison officers, firefighter, paramedics, teachers, medical staff in hospitals

9. Suggested more than 5 times


11. No % as base less than 50

12. Questions 1-3 and 4

13. Individuals and support agencies

14. Local Authority and support organisations

15. No % as base less than 50

16. There were only 11 responses to this question

17. Questions 1-3, 4 and 5-7

18. Each group was suggested on 5 or more occasions

19. Bodies that did not wish their response to be published have not been included in this breakdown.

20. Some organisations may not be included due to the registration sheet for Stirling being destroyed prematurely and due to registration details provided included personal rather than professional contact details.



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