
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 section 38: consultation analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to our consultation on section 38 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 on the duty to notify and provide information about victims.

Next Steps

The Scottish Government is very grateful to all those who took the time to respond to this consultation and engaged in the consultation process, particularly victims and survivors.

Overall the majority of responses expressed support for Scottish Government proposals.

Future legislation will take into account the views and concerns expressed in response to this consultation.  Please not that due to the fast moving response to COVID-19 and its impact on public services the Cabinet Secretary for Justice has agreed to delay legislative implementation of the duty. It is unlikely to come into force before 01 April 2021 at the earliest.

However if you suspect any human trafficking behaviour or activity within your workplace or identify a potential victim you can still report this, or seek further advice, using the methods below:

National Referral Mechanism for First Responders

Modern Slavery Helpline

Police Scotland
101 – non emergency
999 – emergency
Contact the National Human Trafficking Unit at

Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance – support for adult victims trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation

Migrant Help – support for all other adult victims

COSLA guidance for Local Authority Staff

Scottish Government Guidance for NHS Staff



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