
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 section 38: consultation analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to our consultation on section 38 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 on the duty to notify and provide information about victims.

Annex 2: Online Survey

A short online survey was shared with the Scottish Government Primary Care Leads Network.  The network provide operational and clinical advice on Primary Care issues.  The survey consisted of 7 questions.  Responses were provided on an anonymous basis.

Question 1: Should General Practitioners and their staff be encouraged to submit voluntary notifications?

Yes 24
No 2
No definitive answer  2
Total  28

Question 2: Do you see any barriers to this?

Yes 24
No 3
Total 27

Question 3: What plans, pathways or processes do you currently have in place for General Practitioners and their staff on spotting the signs of human trafficking and exploitation and what action to take?

Plans in place 6
None 14
None but would take action 4
No definitive answer 2
Total 26

Question 4: Would you be willing to share your plans with the Scottish Government?

Yes  3
No 1
No plans to share 9
Yes if we had plans  1
Not applicable  12
Total  26

Question  5: Do you have any evidence of potential victims of trafficking seeking help from General Practice?

Yes - current and historic 3
No evidence 24
No definitive answer 1
Total 28

Question 6: Would you be willing to share this with the Scottish Government?

Yes 4
Not applicable 16
No definitive answer 2
Total   22

Question 7: Do you know that the Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance and Migrant Help are funded by the Scottish Government to provide support and assistance to adult victims of human trafficking and of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour?

Yes 3
No  21
Total 24



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