
Consultation on Restricting Alcohol Advertising and Promotion: Analysis of responses

Analysis of responses to the public consultation on potential restrictions to alcohol advertising and promotion in Scotland

Annex 3: Question response rates

Respondent type






(and % of total 426)


(and % of total 1985)

Number (and % of total 2411)

1. Do you think we should prohibit alcohol sports sponsorship in Scotland? [Yes / No / Don't Know]

360 (85%)

1953 (98%)

2313 (96%)

Please provide your answer in the text box.

345 (81%)

1311 (66%)

1656 (69%)

2. If sports alcohol sponsorship were to be prohibited, what types of marketing do you think should be covered by a prohibition?

315 (74%)

1602 (81%)

1917 (80%)

3. What, if any, sporting activities or events do you think should be excepted from a prohibition on alcohol sports sponsorship, and why?

321 (75%)

1583 (80%)

1904 (79%)

4. Do you think we should prohibit alcohol events sponsorship in Scotland? [Yes / No / Don't know]

351 (82%)

1951 (98%)

2302 (95%)

Please provide your answer in the text box.

333 (78%)

1278 (64%)

1611 (67%)

5. If alcohol events sponsorship were to be prohibited, what types of marketing do you think should be covered by a prohibition?

288 (68%)

1499 (76%)

1787 (74%)

6. What, if any, events do you think should be excepted from a prohibition on alcohol events sponsorship, and why?

301 (71%)

1490 (75%)

1791 (74%)

7. If alcohol sponsorship restrictions are introduced, do you think there should be a lead-in time for these? How long might this be and how would it work? [Yes / No / Don't know]

274 (64%)

1715 (86%)

1989 (82%)

If you have any comments on the overall approach, please record those here.

290 (68%)

1365 (69%)

1655 (69%)

8. Do you think we should prohibit alcohol marketing outdoors, including on vehicles, and in public spaces in Scotland?[Yes / No / Don't Know]

329 (77%)

1926 (97%)

2255 (94%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

306 (72%)

1171 (59%)

1477 (61%)

9. What do you think should be covered by a prohibition on alcohol marketing outdoors, on vehicles and in public spaces?

285 (67%)

1533 (77%)

1818 (75%)

10.What, if any, exceptions do you think there should be to prohibiting alcohol marketing outdoors, including on vehicles, and in public spaces in Scotland? Why?

278 (65%)

1428 (72%)

1706 (71%)

11. Do you think that we should further restrict the visibility of alcohol in retail environment? [Yes / No / Don't know]

312 (73%)

1901 (96%)

2213 (92%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

291 (68%)

1278 (64%)

1569 (65%)

12. Do you think we should consider structural separation of alcohol in Scotland to reduce the visibility of alcohol in off-trade settings (e.g. supermarkets)? [Yes / No / Don't Know]

296 (69%)

1887 (95%)

2183 (91%)

Please provide your answer in the text box.

260 (61%)

1097 (55%)

1357 (56%)

13. How do you think structural separation of alcohol in Scotland could operate? (e.g. with barriers, closed display cases)

266 (62%)

1485 (75%)

1751 (73%)

14. Do you think that we should prohibit the sale of alcohol-branded merchandise in Scotland?[Yes / No / Don't know]

308 (72%)

1891 (95%)

2199 (91%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

278 (65%)

1170 (59%)

1448 (60%)

15. Do you think that we should prohibit the free distribution of alcohol-branded merchandise in Scotland?[Yes / No / Don't know]

308 (72%)

1884 (95%)

2192 (91%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

263 (62%)

1001 (50%)

1264 (52%)

16. What, if any, exceptions do you think should there be to prohibiting the sale or distribution of alcohol-branded merchandise?

268 (63%)

1393 (70%)

1661 (69%)

17. What, if any, other restrictions do you think should be considered on the use of alcohol brands on non-alcohol products?

261 (62%)

1351 (68%)

1615 (67%)

18. Do you think that any potential alcohol marketing restrictions should apply to low or no alcoholic drinks products, where these carry the same brand name, or identifiable brand markings, as alcoholic drinks?[Yes / No / Don't know]

321 (75%)

1879 (95%)

2200 (91%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

288 (67%)

1055 (53%)

1343 (56%)

19. Do you think that we should prohibit advertising of alcohol in newspapers and magazines produced in Scotland? [Yes / No / Don't know] [Yes / No / Don't know]

300 (70%)

1861 (94%)

2161 (90%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

265 (62%)

1040 (52%)

1305 (54%)

20. What, if any, exceptions do you think there should be to prohibiting alcohol advertising in newspapers and magazines produced in Scotland?

258 (61%)

1383 (70%)

1641 (68%)

21. Do you think we should restrict alcohol-branded social media channels and websites in Scotland? [Yes / No / Don't know]

302 (71%)

1852 (93%)

2154 (89%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

275 (64%)

1117 (56%)

1392 (58%)

22. What, if any, exceptions do you think there should be to prohibiting alcohol-branded social media channels and websites in Scotland?

258 (60%)

1323 (67%)

1581 (66%)

23. Do you think we should restrict paid alcohol advertising online in Scotland?

Examples include adverts appearing on websites, via pop ups, on social media platforms, on search engines or influencer advertising. [Yes / No / Don't know]

303 (71%)

1830 (92%)

2133 (88%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

256 (60%)

933 (47%)

1189 (49%)

24. What types of paid alcohol advertising do you think should be covered by any restrictions?

259 (61%)

1317 (66%)

1576 (65%)

25. What, if any, exceptions do you think should there be to restricting paid alcohol advertising online?

252 (59%)

1257 (63%)

1509 (63%)

26. Do you think we should restrict alcohol companies from sharing promotional content on social media (e.g. filters, videos or posts) – whether this is produced by them or by consumers? [Yes / No / Don't know]

293 (69%)

1813 (91%)

2106 (87%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

251 (59%)

894 (45%)

1145 (47%)

27. What, if any, exceptions do you think there should be from restricting alcohol companies from sharing promotional content on social media (e.g. filters, videos or posts) – whether this is produced by them or by consumers?

251 (59%)

1247 (63%)

1498 (62%)

28. Do you think we should explore prohibiting alcohol advertising on television and radio completely (e.g. like Norway or Sweden)? [Yes / No / Don't know]

294 (69%)

1806 (91%)

2100 (87%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

254 (60%)

942 (47%)

1196 (50%)

29. Do you think we should introduce a watershed for alcohol advertising on TV and radio (e.g. like Ireland)?[Yes / No / Don't know]

281 (66%)

1792 (90%)

2073 (86%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

245 (58%)

985 (50%)

1230 (51%)

30. Do you think alcohol advertising should be restricted in cinemas?[Yes / No / Don't know]

290 (68%)

1784 (90%)

2074 (86%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

251 (59%)

981 (49%)

1232 (51%)

31. If alcohol advertising was restricted in cinemas, what, if any exceptions (e.g. products in scope, times of day or specific movie ratings) do you think should be considered?

261 (61%)

1391 (70%)

1652 (69%)

32. Do you think that the content of alcohol marketing in Scotland should be restricted to more factual elements? [Yes / No / Don't know]

286 (67%)

1766 (89%)

2052 (85%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

248 (58%)

933 (47%)

1181 (49%)

33. Do you think we should only allow alcohol marketing to include elements set out in a list, like in Estonia? This would mean all other elements not on the list would be banned from adverts. [Yes / No / Don't know]

278 (65%)

1754 (88%)

2032 (84%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

227 (53%)

800 (40%)

1027 (43%)

34. Do you think that content restrictions like the Estonian model should be applied to all types of alcohol marketing? [Yes / No / Don't know]

276 (65%)

1756 (88%)

2032 (84%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

216 (51%)

713 (36%)

929 (39%)

35. How do you think that any future alcohol marketing restrictions in Scotland should be monitored and enforced?

295 (69%)

1417 (71%)

1712 (71%)

36. Do you think that Scottish Government should require the alcohol industry to provide information and data on alcohol marketing campaigns in Scotland?[Yes / No / Don't know]

290 (68%)

1770 (89%)

2060 (85%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

241 (57%)

894 (45%)

1135 (47%)

37. Do you think that Scottish Government should require the alcohol industry to provide local alcohol sales data in Scotland? [Yes / No / Don't know]

290 (68%)

1773 (89%)

2063 (86%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

247 (58%)

852 (43%)

1099 (46%)

38. Do you think the Scottish Government should look to introduce a comprehensive package of restrictions across a number of marketing channels? If so, what do you think this package should include? [Yes / No / Don't know]

307 (72%)

1825 (92%)

2132 (88%)

Please explain your answer in the text box.

253 (59%)

927 (47%)

1180 (49%)

39. What, if any, additional alcohol marketing methods or channels not covered in the consultation would you like Scottish Government to consider restricting and why?

254 (60%)

1266 (64%)

1520 (63%)

40. What further evidence on alcohol marketing would you like the Scottish Government to consider?

297 (70%)

1286 (65%)

1583 (66%)

41. If you sell, distribute, advertise or manufacture alcohol, or represent those who do, how do you think the potential restrictions in this consultation paper would impact you, and the wider alcohol sector?

281 (66%)

1206 (61%)

1487 (62%)

42. Are there any relevant equality issues that Scottish Government should be considering at this stage in the policy development?

226 (53%)

1146 (58%)

1372 (57%)



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