
Consultation on Restricting Alcohol Advertising and Promotion: Analysis of responses

Analysis of responses to the public consultation on potential restrictions to alcohol advertising and promotion in Scotland

Executive summary

1. The Scottish Government is considering options for restricting the advertising and promotion of alcohol and alcohol-branded products. A consultation seeking views on possible restrictions in various contexts, and matters related to such restrictions, was carried out between November 2022 and March 2023.

2. The consultation paper sought views on possible areas where (further) restrictions might apply. These related to sports and events sponsorship; advertising in outdoor and public spaces; in-store marketing; brand-sharing and branded merchandise; print advertising; online marketing; television and radio advertising; and cinema advertising. The consultation also sought views on more general issues such as restrictions on the content of advertisements, and how any restrictions could be monitored and enforced. The aim of the proposed measures is to reduce the attractiveness and appeal of alcohol, which may reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol harm in Scotland. A specific rationale for these measures is to protect children and young people, and people in recovery from alcohol harm. Restricting alcohol marketing is one of the World Health Organization's three 'best buy' policies to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harms.

3. Respondents were asked for their views about the marketing of alcohol in these varied settings – that is, whether they agreed or disagreed with the proposals, and why. Their comments focused on (i) their reasons for supporting or opposing the introduction of (further) restrictions on alcohol marketing, (ii) what they thought the (potential) benefits and / or disadvantages of such restrictions would be, and (iii) possible alternatives to the proposals.

4. The consultation received 2,411 personalised responses from 1,985 individuals and 426 organisations. In addition, it received 585 responses through campaigns organised by the Campaign for Real Ale and the Scottish Beer and Pub Association.



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