Consultation on the Review of National Care Standards - Easy Read Version
Review of National Care Standards - Easy Read Version
National Care sTandards Consultation Easy Read
We would like to ask you some questions about the National Care Standards. This is called a consultation.
The National Care Standards were created to help people understand what they should expect from care services.
They also help services understand the standards that they should deliver.
We believe that the new National Care Standards should focus on people's human rights.
Human rights are the rights and freedoms that everyone should have. This means things like the right to life and the right to feel safe.
We want services to understand and respect human rights.
People who use services should be involved in the planning and delivery of services. This will make sure that their human rights are understood and respected.
The National Care Standards should make it easier for services to work together.
People using and working in these services should be able to understand the standards easily.
We believe that the new standards should show how services should be run.
They should also show how services can keep getting better.
1. Do you agree that it is important for new National Care Standards to be based on people's human rights?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
The Scottish Government wants to bring health and social care together. They want to have standards that can be used in all areas of health and social care.
This will make sure that everybody gets the same quality of care and support.
2a. Do you agree that we should use the same quality standards for all health and social care in Scotland?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
2b. Do you agree these quality standards should be based on human rights?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
At the moment there are 23 different sets of National Care Standards.
We want to organise the National Care Standards better. We want to develop a set of general standards.
2c. Do you agree that a set of general standards be made that can be used in all services?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
We think that the National Care Standards need to be based on people's human rights. We need to make sure the standards meet people's needs just now. We also have to think of the future.
2d. Do you think the National Care Standards should reflect people's needs just now and also think about the future?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
We have 23 sets of standards. It would be good if we could reduce this number. We also have to look at certain areas of support that people should expect from different services. We would like to know what your thoughts on developing a set of standards for certain areas of care.
2e. Do you agree that sets of individual standards should be developed for certain areas of care and need?
If you agree, which areas of care and need should be covered by these individual standards?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
We would like to know how you think the new standards should be written. Some people have already given us some views about how they should be written. Some of these people thought that the standards should set out what services should provide. Other people said the standards should set out the rights of people using services and what support they are able to get.
3. What are your thoughts about how the standards should be written?
Please write your comments here:
The Care Inspectorate and Health Improvement Scotland make sure that services are being delivered properly. They have standards which services must work towards. The way they check that services are meeting the standards is being looked at.
4a. Do you think that the new standards we are developing should be used as part of this checking process?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
4b. Some services are not checked by the Care Inspectorate and Health Improvement Scotland. How should we make sure these services follow the new standards?
Please write your comments here:
4c. We think the Care Inspectorate and Health Improvement Scotland should develop the set of new standards and talk to other relevant people when they are doing this. Do you agree with this?
Please answer Yes, No or Don't Know:
Please write your comments here:
5a. Please tell us about any groups of people that might be affected by the new standards that we have talked about in this consultation. We want to know about good and bad effects.
Please write your comments here:
5b. We would like to know if you think that there might be costs or savings with the new standards. We would like to know if you think that any organisations, sectors or businesses might be affected.
Please write your comments here:
6. Please let us know if there is anything else you would like us to think about when we are developing the new National Care Standards.
Please write your comments here:
Please fill in your personal details in the form below
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If you are answering as an organisation please fill in this column. |
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Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.
Please return this form by 17th September 2014 to:
Or by post to:
Carly NimmoMental Health and Protection of Rights Division
The Scottish Government
Area 3ER
St Andrews House
Email: Carly Nimmo
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